The appearance of the page "Vkontakte"

If you register in this social network and will be included on your page with a username and password, before you open the window of your account. It looks like the following. In the center of the page is your main photo you choose and upload yourself. To her right is basic information about you, including name, surname, date of birth, hometown, the city of actual residence, place of work, information about your family, your Hobbies, attitudes, interests, attitude towards bad habits, the Outlook and views etc. This section can be edited at their discretion, to make something, remove something, some information can be hidden from other users and make it available only to you or some of your friends.

The left of the photo is the main menu, which includes the sections "My page", "My pictures, My videos, My music, My friends," "My message", "My answers", "My groups", "My settings", "My documents", "My apps". Each section contains the relevant information.

Under the main information of your account, you can see a map with your photos. Put there any pictures you've ever uploaded to your page. This section is also editable, just like everyone else. Photos you can delete or add new ones.

Under photos you will see a wall that you and your friends can add different audio, video, texts, photos or other documents.

Below the main photo on your page there are sections of "pictures of me", "My presents", "My subscribers". More below are the lists of your friends, interesting pages, your photo albums, videos, and audio recordings. This information is also editable and hidden from some users.

As other users see your page

If you decide to hide some information from any person in your friends list, you can look at your account as it sees this person. To do this, go to "My settings", "Privacy". Changing the access to personal information, go to the bottom of the window. There you will see the inscription: "See how I see your page other users. Click on it and then at the top of the village enter into a special search string the name of a person. So you can look at your page through his eyes and know what information is available to him, and what is hidden.