Features of presentation

This kind of creative work as statement familiar to all the people who have the document about the end of school. His writing is a necessary part of the final exam on the Russian language in 9th grade. The text previously proposed for presentation, was read twice, the teacher-language and literature.

2014 this is accompanied by an audio recording. For many students it became a factor lowering the quality of the final work and its subsequent impact on the number of final points.

This was mainly due to improper training. Remember that the exam on the Russian language in grade 9 the students write a concise summary. Because their task is not only to hear and remember the text but it shrink, so as not to distort the essence and fit into the volume.


If suddenly for any reason, the lesson of the Russian language in the school the student is not trained to write text from audio recordings, it should definitely do it at home. You should know that between the text read by the teacher and recorded for external audio media, a huge difference. Graduate exam can simply get confused and lose precious time. In addition, at the exam the teacher always focused on the child, because in the "live" reading before he put the emphasis on the main ideas of the text. When writing narrative with writing absolutely obespechivaetsya.

Before writing the presentation the student should know the three methods of compression: the elimination, generalization and simplification. Each for himself selects the appropriate.

At first reading, and read the text in the exam only twice, it is recommended to listen carefully without making any droppings. The method of exclusion is already at the first listening the student mentally discards unnecessary details, trying to remember the basics.

When re-reading you want to record important. While miss sentences that contain secondary members – enough to leave just a General idea. Do not write sentences with generalities and descriptions. To be succinct, they are useless.

Important if you use a different method of text summarization is the identification of individual facts. Then the student must select and write the language means of transmission of these facts. For example, epithets.

The most affordable and easy when writing a presentation is the method of simplification. In this approach, a complex sentence is replaced by simple, direct speech is translated into indirect. A few sentences merged into one.

Whichever method may be preferable after the collection of the material, it is desirable to plan and to write a new text, without distorting the facts the original.

Preparation for the examination presentation should start in advance and not the day before the exam.