The composition and caloric content of carrots

Caloric content of carrots – 32 Kcal, while 100 g have 1.3 g of protein, 0.1 g fat and 6.9 g of carbohydrates. Carrot has in its composition vitamins b, C, PP, E and K. carrots Also contain a lot of minerals necessary for human organism: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, fluorine and others. Carrots contain special essential oils that give it its characteristic aroma.

Carrot contains beta-carotene which is a precursor of vitamin A. once ingested carotene in the human body, it is converted into vitamin A which is very useful for young women. Carrot is also useful for people who suffer from myopia and fatigue of the eyes. Vitamin a accelerates the process of healing when skin damage, ensuring the integrity of the cells. Besides, it is a powerful antioxidant, by means of prevention and treatment of cancer.

Carrots are very useful for children. Iron and cobalt salts, which are contained in its composition increases the hemoglobin in the blood. People suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it will also be useful, due to the content of potassium in the composition. And even when pregnant or nursing need to eat more carrots, because it stimulates and increases lactation.

Rules for the use of carrots.

To get the daily requirement of vitamin A, enough to eat 30-50 g of carrots. It should be consumed with fats, in this case, absorption will be most effective. In dishes with carrots you need to add foods that contain fats are: butter or oil, sour cream, nuts.

Carrots contain fiber, able to withdraw excess cholesterol from the body. Not recommended are root people who have peptic ulcer disease, because its use causes irritation of the gastric mucosa.

Use carrots.

The carrot has on the human body therapeutic action: cholagogue, anthelmintic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and expectorant. As a prophylactic, carrot juice or mix carrot juice with other improves appetite, relieves fatigue, reduces the negative effect of antibiotics on the human body, strengthens nails and hair, improves eyesight and complexion, and it also increases immunity and resistance to colds.

However, all it is necessary to observe moderation, as excessive consumption of carrot juice may occur adverse reactions: drowsiness, lethargy and headache.