In the introduction to justify the feasibility and the relevance of this analytical review, which you provide in your certificate. Describe the topic and list the range of issues that will be reflected in the document. Specify the methods used for the analysis and synthesis of the information provided.
In the information part help present the information that is relevant to the subject of the study. It can be tactical and technical characteristics, physical parameters, expressed both in absolute units and in percentage. Give the main indicators of the dynamics and trends of development of this phenomenon, give brief assessment of the scientific-technical, production, organizational and technical-economic indicators in comparison with the world level. Newsletter confirm with references to special literature, reference documentation.
List the methods and conditions under which the data was obtained. Specify the materials on which the research was conducted, the technical tools that were used. If there is any time frame in which the results of the study will be considered reliable, list them.
The analytical part of the reference please provide statistical information using the latest data and publications. For greater clarity and ease of perception of information, tabulate data into tables, graphs and charts. Guide the economic and statistical analysis of information, make a generalization of facts and data. Bring the expert opinion of specialists on the problems, suggest ways and prospects of their solution.
In conclusion make conclusions on the obtained results and analysis. Give recommendations and explain the objectives and solutions to the problem. Define outcomes that must be achieved as a result of the proposed recommendation events. Develop a structure and options for effective implementation of the proposed measures. Bring proof of theoretical and practical significance of the results.