Indications for gallbladder removal

The gallbladder is removed, usually in the formation of stones in the cavity of the bladder, or bile ducts. If the presence of stones is not accompanied by any painful symptoms, the doctor may postpone the removal, however, this does not cancel the operation, but rather a deferral – long presence of stones can lead to perforation of the bladder, the formation of malignant tumors, the development of acute inflammatory process.

Acute cholecystitis (inflammation of gallbladder) is the absolute indication for surgery, as well as chronic cholecystitis, often recurrent and difficult to drug therapy.

Also the need for removal arises in the case of obstruction of the biliary tract, liver or pancreas, triggered by the gallbladder disease or to the development of malignant or benign tumors.

Can I avoid surgery?

To get rid of the stones with the help of tablets or decoctions of herbs impossible. Sometimes patients believe that observing a strict diet and taking the usual drugs, they can avoid surgery or at least postpone it indefinitely. This often ends badly – at the running gallstones or chronic inflammation of the high risk of perforation of the wall of the bladder, peritonitis, gangrene of the bladder.

The longer the operation is delayed, the higher the risk of developing disorders of the liver and gallbladder. Over time and reduced the chances of a full recovery after surgery.

Fear of cholecystectomy is often caused misconceptions about the operation, possible complications and peculiarities of way of life after gallbladder removal. At present, more and more destruction produced by laparoscopy is a minimal invasive method in which a surgical manipulation in the abdominal cavity are made through one or more small punctures.

A laparoscopic operation are a shorter recovery period, after they have fewer complications. It is also important that traces of punctures less visible than long the scar left after open cholecystectomy. However, in case of advanced disease laparoscopy may not be possible – you have to do the traditional open surgery method.

Full recovery after cholecystectomy may, subject to compliance with all recommendations of the doctor. The compensatory capacity of the organism is not limitless – if a long delay the operation, to return afterwards to normal life will be much harder.