You will need
  • If you burn the first or second degree (redness, or a vial of clear liquid on skin), you must wash the burn with running water. This is done in order to remove from the skin all the extra (grains, oil droplets, etc.) and cool the burn.
  • Then apply the ointment and ensure that the burn is not in contact with clothing. If you cannot avoid such blend bandage soaked in ointment for burns.
First on our list is "Panthenol". It is produced in the form of ointment, and spray. Panthenol prevents inflammation, relieves pain, provides restoration of the skin, renews the epidermis (the top layer of skin). This ointment can be used at all stages of healing of sunburn from redness, until the complete disappearance of tracks.
"Rescuer". All natural ointment balm. Relieves pain. If you have time apply the ointment from the first minutes of burn - prevents the formation of bubbles. Prevents inflammation. Perfectly restores the skin, with regular use the burn marks are left.
"Levomekol". Prevents inflammation and reduces swelling . Well suited for second-degree burns (with the formation of the bubble) and infected. "Nasal spray" applied to gauze dressing, its effect lasts for up to twenty hours. Has almost no contraindications.
"Actovegin". The ointment acts as a biogenic stimulator, to restore the skin. Perfect for situations when you need to cope with burns, particularly on exposed skin. In addition, aktovegin clean the wound and relieves inflammation of deep burns.
"Fenistil". The best way to cope with sun and deep chemical burns, as well as "solar dermatitis". Quickly relieves the pain and itching and provides healing.
"Solkoseril". The ointment is used at the stage of healing of burns. It stimulates the formation of collagen, accelerates healing, helps to avoid rough scarring. Directly after the burn it is better to put "Solcoseryl gel". Its lightweight structure allows the skin to breathe, without causing the moisture and not over the wound.
"Iruksol" (Iruxol). Is a drug for the treatment of burns, since the second degree. Cleanses the wound and allows you to safely remove dead skin. Is layered under the gauze bandage. Actually does not have analogues in the treatment of deep burns.