The types of Navy
There are two types of intrauterine devices, which are most common:
-hormonal spiral (which contains a special hormone levonorgestrel), there are spirals within 5 years, while still performing a therapeutic function;
- spiral covered with copper is a highly effective IUD that can stay in the uterus up to 10 years.
The principle of operation of the Navy
All types of spirals have the ability to mechanically prevent implantation oplodotvorennogo of the egg in the uterine wall and damage the sperm. Hormonal spirals will change the consistency of mucus in the cervical canal, making it more viscous. Because of this, the penetration of sperm into the uterus almost impossible. In addition, hormone spirals help to reduce the amount of secretions during menses and reduce their intensity.
Spiral copper plated cause damage to the sperm by exposure to copper ions, as well as the allocation to the uterus prostaglandins, enzymes, and leukocytes that have the ability to block the activity of sperm.
Which would put the Navy
For the prevention of unwanted pregnancy intrauterine device is the most effective means. It can also be used within 5 days of unprotected intercourse. Efficiency is much higher than the pills for emergency prevention of pregnancy.
Remove the spiral to the moment when the woman is ready to conceive. It is also necessary to remove and replace with new spiral, after a certain number of years after its installation, this time ranges from 3 to 10 years, depending on the type of the spiral and the recommendations of the manufacturer.
Contraception with IUD is considered the most appropriate for most women, including nulliparous and adolescents. To establish the spiral immediately after birth, 10 minutes later after depart the placenta, and also after the abortion spontaneous or conscious.
Contraindications for the Navy are: pregnancy, any anatomical changes in the uterus, bleeding of unexplained nature and of infection of the pelvis. In the presence of these contraindications and possible complications after the Navy.