Do I need to purchase a license for gas weapons

Of course, you need! Gas weapons along with rezinostrela, tubeless and hunting is a weapon of self-defense and is subject to compulsory licensing, i.e. obtaining a permit for purchase, possession and carrying. Check the gas weapons are in the Department of licenses and permits of (OLR) at Department of internal Affairs at the place of residence. But before submitting the relevant documents for registration, it is necessary to collect them, and is difficult and costly.

What is the license for gas weapons

It is a card with a photograph of the holder of a weapon. In this card on the reverse side fits purchased gas (or other) weapons. Attention! In one solution you can fit up to 5 units of a weapon of self-defense! It can be gas pistols and revolvers, as well as traumatic ("OSA", "Makarych", etc.) and hunting weapons.

You need to purchase the license for gas weapons

To obtain a license for purchase, storage and carrying of weapons of self-defense, must be given to OLR at Department of internal Affairs at the place of residence of the relevant documents, and also find and install in home safe (or another metal box with key lock) for the storage of weapons.
Permit for purchase, possession and carrying of weapons of self-defense necessary for the state to control the sale of weapons and keep a record of people who buy it.

The documents needed. First, it is a certificate from psychoneurological dispensary. Its average price is about 500 rubles. Doctors often forced men to undergo a brain computed tomography to determine the presence or absence of head injury. The cost of this procedure - from 1000 rubles.

Secondly, you need to obtain a separate certificate from narcological dispensary. It will cost about 500 rubles.

Thirdly, you must obtain a medical certificate form 0-46. Interestingly, its value is still equal to 1000 rubles, but the doctors want to oblige to such a statement in the clinic at the place of registration.

Fourth, the future owner of the gas and other weapons of self-defense must pay the fee in any branch of Sberbank of the Russian Federation. Its approximate cost – 50 roubles.
Attention! Buying gas weapons without permit is fraught with unpleasant consequences – criminal liability.

Fifth, in OLRR necessary to write the application for a permit for a weapon of self-defense. It is also necessary to provide testimony and act of successful completion of training courses (the training cost is normally equal to 5000 rubles), passport and a photocopy of it, as well as the report of the district police about the presence in the house a metal safe to store weapons, a standard bolted to the floor or wall. The cost of such a box varies from 1500 to 9000 rubles.

Sixth, in OLRR will require four black and white matte photos 3x4 cm