Monilia -sthe Disease progresses, particularly in humid and warm weather. A fungus that affects stone fruit during flowering. Flowers turn brown and die. Then dry the young leaves continuing to hang on the branches. Separate branches and the leaves look like a scalded cat. In the summer the mycelium passes the fruit to rot, the part falls off or dries up, staying to hang on the branches until the following spring. The mycelium lives in the tissues of branches and fruits, and "overwinter".

Control measures. Pruning and burning of diseased leaves, fruits and branches. Spraying before Bud break, before flowering, after flowering and in late autumn fungicides ( Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate, "Hom", etc.)

The shot-hole disease, a fungal disease of stone fruit crops. At the end of June on the leaves spots appear, which later fall out and the leaf becomes dircetory. In severe cases fungus the leaves drop, the fruits are ugly and tasteless, shriveled to the bone. The bark on the tree cracks and starts to leak a sticky amber-colored gum. After wintering kamedetechenie progresses. The fruit affected by fungus, are mummified and remain hanging on the branches.

Prevention. Timely pruning damaged branches, fallen leaves and fruit should be burned. Wound kamedetechenie should be cleaned, lubricated garden pitch. A good tool - the treatment of wounds sorrel leaves are crushed and applied to the affected gum wounds, tied with a cloth.

This disease is often found in gardens, where stone fruit grow in a cold and damp lands, where dense planting.

The kokkomikoza - the malicious fungal disease. Sick of cherry, black cherry, plum in the European part of Russia. The fungus affects mainly the leaves, less often the shoots and fruits, which covered with brown sores with a whitish spore bloom . With severe cases the leaves turn yellow and fall off. Plants become weak and are unable to prepare well for winter, even nearbuy freeze slightly in winter. The disease is favoured by rainy weather, fog, dew, in warm weather, above-20oC. In August, affected by fungus, the leaves massively fall.

Control measures. In early spring the trees treated three times: before opening the buds, before bloom and after it. Use fungicides, for example, "Hom", Bordeaux blend,"Horus". The good result gives application of 5% urea solution in the first treatment. The same treatment can be done in late autumn.

Immune varieties by these fungal diseases have no.

Grade relatively resistant to kokkomikoza: the Muse, the memory of Vavilov, Novella, Kharitonov, Age, etc.

Grade relatively resistant to brown rot: Vole, Melitopol early, Large-fruited Gorshkov, Institute, Orel early etc.