A slogan is a motto, a short slogan advertising, designed to strengthen the position of the brand and to attract the attention of potential consumers. A successful slogan has great value from the point of view of marketing. The brighter and more original is the text of the slogan, the greater the likelihood that he will be remembered by consumers and will be of interest to the production company advertised. There are certain criteria, and techniques for creating effective slogans, you need to know that every advertiser and copywriter.

The main criteria memorable slogan

1. Brevity. Slogan better be memorable, it needs to be very brief and should not contain "clever" phrases. In the minds of the target audience too long slogans are deposited. Short and succinct phrase will be remembered faster and will have a greater effect ("All brilliant – Holsten").
2. The slogan should be rhythmic. Even better if it will contain rhymes (e.g., "Your pussy would buy Whiskas", "Rondo. Fresh breath facilitates understanding". Such advertising slogans do not cut the ear and are remembered much better.
3. The slogan should refer the consumer to the product. The most successful slogans are those that mention the company name or brand (e.g., "I Have an idea – is Ikea"). In this case, the slogan will not lose its relevance and will always be associated at consumers with a certain brand.
4. A slogan should invoke positive emotions. This will affect the attitude of the customers towards the brand or company. To give the slogan of the right emotional color, use intonation. A good example is the phrase "Sprite. Don't let yourself dry out!" and "No brakes – snikersni!".
5. The slogan must be unique. It is unacceptable to copy the idea of the slogan of the competition.

Techniques for creating successful slogans

To create a bright emotional slogans advertising specialists use the following techniques:
1) the Game of words: "Clean – clean Tide";
2) Humor: "Sprite. Image is nothing – thirst is everything" or "Time with the Fat man flies!" (beer advertising "the Fat man");
3) the Question or appeal to the consumer: "You're not white?" (Tide fairy effect), "Because you're worth it" (L'oréal);
4) Artistic techniques: allocation of sound or rhythm, the use of neologisms, quotes, sayings, opposites, paraphrase, etc. ("M-M-M, Danone...", "Pepsi day," "Seven woes – one answer", "Take life by the horns").
5) Shocking : "don't worry I'll get us there!" (AVTOVAZ). By the way, outrageous slogans are popular with many consumers. To recall the firm Euroset, which used the slogans of profanity. The share of this company in a short time increased by 5%, thanks to its controversial slogans.

Overall, writing slogans – not so complicated process. He's only demand from advertisers creativity and originality. If you have these qualities, you will easily be able to create succinct and memorable slogan that will enhance the image of the brand you represent.