Entry of the PDF file online
To write PDF documents online it is better to use Google Docs. Log on Google and follow these steps:
1) Open the Google Docs service.
2) Set coloniali, upload images and text of your document in the field of online office.
3) Print the document in PDF format (option "Print to PDF) or save it on your PC.
If you need to convert to PDF ready-made Word document, you can use free online converters. The lack of them to date not. Just type in the search phrase "PDF Converter" and click any link.
Entry PDF with the help of special
Create PDF files and can be paid in a text editor MS Office 2007 and later versions of the program. MS Office allows you to save PDF files as text documents and presentations. To convert any document to PDF, open the File menu, click Save as, and then specify the desired format.
There are also special programs for recording and creating PDF files: HelpCruiser, Bullzip PDF Writer, PDF Writer, CutePDF, TinyPDF, PDFCreator, etc. Certain advantages among them are Bullzip PDF Writer and PDFCreator. In these programs, you can apply watermarks, editing metadata, and create password-protected files with protection. In the process you can use 40 and 128-bit file encryption. The remaining programs belong to the category of the more simple apps to create and convert PDF documents. They have a small size of installer and perform the basic functions for creating PDF documents.
To print text, image or table in PDF format, use the special PDF printer (e.g. doPDF). This is a free program that can easily download to your computer. After installing the program on a PC, press Ctrl+P and select the printer from the list.
All of the above applications will help you to easy and quickly record or convert any documents to PDF format. Most of these programs is freely available, but some services and applications will need to be purchased for a modest fee.