Enable spell check

To enable spell check in Microsoft Office software open Word using the shortcut on the desktop or the menu start - All programs - Microsoft Office – Microsoft Word. Click on the File tab (Microsoft Office 2013) or click Office Microsoft Office versions 2010 and 2007). Go to "Settings" and click on "Spelling." Select "Exceptions" and click the box "current file Name". After that, uncheck the line "Hide spelling errors" and "Hide grammatical errors".

If you want to enable automatic spelling checking for all documents that you open in Microsoft Office, in the section "Exceptions", check the option "All new documents". Clear the check boxes to Hide and save the changes by clicking on the "OK" button.

In PowerPoint you can enable automatic spell checking can be executed from the same menu "Options" - "Spelling". Uncheck the item "Hide spelling errors" and save the changes.

The mechanism of

If an error occurs in the text, Word will underline it red, blue or green line. The red line is used to fix spelling errors. Defects in punctuation are indicated with the blue line and grammatical errors are highlighted in green squiggly lines. To view the options for writing and correcting the error, right click the underlined word or phrase.

If you accept the suggested Word, select it by clicking on the appropriate menu item. Word will automatically correct the error and remove the underline. If you believe that errors in a given place in the text and not the word is spelled correctly you can ignore the underline, or press the context menu "Skip all", is also available by pressing the right mouse button.


You can also use the AutoCorrect feature, which is available in the programs Office. This option allows you to automatically correct misspelled words according to the list manually created by the user. There you can add words that cause you problems in writing.

To enable the autolookup go to the section "Options" - "Spelling" - "AutoCorrect Options". Check the "Replace as you type". In the Replace field, specify the words or phrases that cause you difficulty when writing. In the left column, write the misspelled word and on the right, indicate the correct spelling. After adding a sufficient number of words and phrases, click "OK" and save the changes.