Preparation of seed

Acacia seeds require pre-treatment. Prepared, they germinate much faster, shoots rapidly go up and on the 4-5-th year can be expected from the plant lush flowering. The best time of the preparation and planting of seeds in pots or boxes – the beginning of spring.

Preparation of seeds is filing the dry and rugged skin. You can do it with small needle files or sandpaper. Another option: rinse seeds with boiling water. Then pour the seeds with warm water and adding a solution promoter "Zircon", "EPIN" or "Ribav-Extra quality (per 100 ml of water 1 drop tools and leave for two days. Water it is advisable to change to fresh and warm every 3-4 hours. When the seeds swell, plant them in pots or boxes of earth.


The soil in which you plan to sow the seeds must be light and loose. Can buy ready-made universal potting mix in a specialized flower shop, and can prepare themselves. Take 2 parts loam and peat, 1 part sawdust and a small amount of wood ash and mix. At the bottom of the box or pot, arrange the drainage of expanded clay or small gravel, sprinkle the prepared soil, water it with warm water and sow the seeds (shallow). Under the condition of temperature 22-24C and regular watering the first seedlings appear after 2-3 weeks (sometimes 5-7 weeks).


When the seedlings reach a height of 2-3 cm, you can transplant each sprout into a separate pot or in several pieces in a more deep and spacious drawer with a distance between the shoots 15-20 cm Soil may be the same composition as the sowing of the seed. Don't forget good drainage. This period, until the following spring and time for planting in open ground to a permanent place – very important for acacia. Those plants which successfully wintered in the indoor environment and by the end of the first year of life increased by 50 cm or more, have a good chance to take root in the open ground and after 3-4 years to bloom.

Planting in the open ground

For acacia, you need an open, well-lit area that is protected from water stagnation. Dig a hole the depth of 30-35 cm, lay at the bottom of the dry leaves and grass, sprinkle the top garden soil with coarse river sand or perlite, and pour in the "dirt" will plant seeds of acacia, primina and compacting the ground. Sprinkle dry earth or sawdust. Watered as the drying of the upper soil layer.

Warnings experienced growers

Not the acacia planted near fruit trees, grown acacia may inhibit their root system.

In the first year of life, the acacia give the suckers from the roots, which grow very quickly (up to 2 meters per year) and are very difficult to remove. Therefore it is not near acacia to break the vegetable beds or to plant flower beds. Let it be more free space in order to remove the emerging young shoots.

Keep in mind that blooming acacia strongly attracts bees. If you are not afraid, can plant a tree next to the house or gazebo. If that is a concern, take her away from the porch.

On Acacias grow large and sharp thorns, and its seeds are not suitable for food (moreover, they can be poisoned), so do not let her near small children.