Cucumber is one of a kind vegetable that people eat unripe. His homeland is India.

Ways to grow

Growing cucumbers in the garden can be done in two ways: using the seedlings and seeds. The first method allows you to harvest for two weeks earlier.

About a month before planting in the ground, seeds need to soak and sprout. Then you need to sow them in special boxes or peat pots. In the ground seedlings need to be planted when you are sure that there will be frost. In Central Russia this period is from 5 to 15 June.

To plant the seedlings need at a distance of 20-40 cm from each other and 70-100 cm between rows. If you planted seedlings in peat pots, in the soil they should plant at a depth of 3 cm and Then every pot pour 2 liters of water.

If you plant cucumbers nonseedlings way, then the swollen seeds are placed in warm soil (minimum 15 degrees). If the temperature is lower, the seeds will simply rot and not germinate. Sow cucumbers to a depth of 2.5 cm, at the rate of 7 plants per 1 square meter.

Where to plant

Vegetables are best to plant in the place where there will be partial shade. In the heat plants will burn quickly. Sometimes there are difficulties with the landing site. If it is not, the cucumbers can be grown on a trellis (wooden or concrete poles, which is the wire). They plants are well warmed up, take the air, they quickly evaporate drops (it is the source of many diseases of vegetable).

The series of tapestries located at a distance of 1.5 meters from each other. As soon as the plant came to the surface, his antennae tied to the wire, and have it growing, rising higher and higher.


Before planting you need to prepare the soil. This vegetable loves the fertile ground in which little nitrogen. If the soil is sour, it must be pre-limed. To improve the fertility of the soil, in the fall you need to fertilize:

- manure (100 kg per 10 sq metres);
- if there is no manure, 250 g potassium salt;
- 400 g of superphosphate.

In the spring you should add 200 g of ammonium nitrate or 200 grams of ash. When planting cucumbers in every hole you can pour the mold.


To water cucumbers regularly. Better to do it in the evening (1 square meter is about 5-10 liters of water). Young plants should be watered moderately. All varieties of cucumbers require attention, each has its own characteristics that must be considered.

To get a great crop of vegetables for the cucumbers to be correctly cared for. Care includes: feeding the soil before and during planting, hoeing throughout the growing season, timely watering, weeding. Only in this case you will receive a great harvest of your favorite vegetables.