Dark rum goes well with fruit juices and sodas, which is why it is indispensable for the preparation of various cocktails. Such drinks prefer to drink people who don't like too strong alcohol, because other ingredients (juice, soda, coconut milk, energy) reduce the degree of the Roma.

There are a huge number of cocktails, including Bacardi black, but the most popular are the following.

Bacardi Black c Cola

This cocktail has only two components: dark rum "Bacardi" and coke. By the color of the drink is the color of cold black tea.

Tall glass first you need 2/3 to fill a large crushed ice. Then pour 40 ml of Bacardi, and the rest is free space to fill Coca-Cola. You can decorate the glass of bright colored straw, an umbrella and a slice of lemon or lime.

"Pina colada with dark rum

This is a very unusual cocktail a different taste from the classic "Pina Colada" more astringency and a slight bitterness. For its preparation you will need: 170 ml Bacardi black, 220 ml coconut liqueur and pineapple juice to taste. The more juice, the less will be the fortress of the obtained beverage.

First, in a blender mix the rum, coconut liqueur and pineapple juice, then to top of ice is added and mixed again. When the ice completely dissolved, poured into a cocktail glass and decorated with slice of pineapple.

Cocktail "Badminton"

This cocktail belongs to the category "short drinks", i.e. drink, drink in one gulp. For one serving of the cocktail you will need 20 ml rum Bacardi black, 30 ml cranberry juice, and 20 g of fresh pineapple.

In a pile filled with rum, then cranberry juice to the top. The stack is crowned with a slice of pineapple, which is recommended to have a snack consumed in one gulp the drink.

Hot cocktail with dark rum and coffee

This warming drink perfect for winter evenings. The ingredients you will need: 30 ml Bacardi black, 14 ml brandy 120 ml coffee, 2 sugars and a slice of lemon.

All the ingredients (except the lemon) pour into a small saucepan, which is held on low heat before heating the mixture. After that a hot drink is poured into glasses for Irish coffee and decorated with lemon slice.

Energy "Bacardi"

To prepare this drink you will need: 30 ml dark rum, 20 ml absinthe, 20 ml syrup grenadine syrup, no more than 100 ml of any energy, a little lime juice and a slice of refined sugar. Of dishes required a glass, a shot glass and a saucer.

At the bottom of the saucer filled with lime juice and syrup "grenadine", in the centre it is placed a piece of sugar to give the drink its sweetness. In the first poured glass of absinthe and rum, then mixed, and one third of the mixture is poured onto the sugar. After that, the sugar is ignited for 5 seconds, and on the saucer poured the rest of the mixture of rum and absinthe. The glass turned bottom down, and they served sugar. All actions must be carried out very quickly. When the fire goes out, the inner part of the glass fill liquid. A glass is raised and it is poured to the top energy.