Oil to strengthen hair

One of the most simple and effective ways to strengthen hair is the use of vegetable oils. Beauties have long used this method, choosing the essential oils of those plants that were specific to their location. In the modern world have the opportunity to use the gifts of nature from every corner of the planet. Do not miss the chance to try different oils. Besides, modern technology of production allows to make them light, do not cause the feeling of heavy and greasy. In addition, there are oils that after application no need to rinse.

Mask for strengthening of hair

Masks are also a good help to return your hair strength. They can be purchased ready-made in a store, and you can make yourself from natural ingredients. For example, very useful elements for the beauty of hair rich in chicken eggs. They contribute not only to strengthening, but stimulate the growth of hair, prevents dandruff. And, for oily hair is more suited to the yolk, and dry – protein. Also beneficial to the hair mask with honey, aloe juice, all kinds of compositions with the addition of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Vitamins to strengthen hair

Hair is an indicator of health status. Improper diet, stress, poor metabolism, disruption of any of the bodies immediately affects the state and appearance of the hair. They become brittle, lose volume and Shine, begin to fall. At the first sign of hair vitamin deficiency start taking vitamin complexes. They should contain vitamin E, nourishes and strengthens hair, the vitamin A, which participates in the formation of each strand. Calcium, iron and silicon to give hair life-strength and power; sulphur, magnesium and phosphorus give Shine; and the zinc, iodine and selenium to protect hair from negative environmental influences and prevents the appearance of gray hair.

Folk remedies to strengthen hair

There are many ways, which we gladly used by our grandmothers. Their efficiency has helped them to survive until the present day. Modern women gladly used decoctions and infusions for rinsing your hair. Very good juices with fresh herbs and vegetables, which is rubbed into the scalp. The most common herbs useful for healthy hair, has long been considered nettle, burdock, St. John's wort, aloe, oak bark, mother and stepmother, and others.

Henna for hair

Another common means for hair is henna and Basma. They strengthen and nourish hair, prevent hair loss, help fight dandruff. In addition, these funds have dyed hair without harm to their health.

Shampoo to strengthen hair

There is no woman who would not use shampoo. But often the choice of detergent for the hair, do not attach due importance. In fact, the shampoo is able to solve many problems with hair, only need to choose one correctly. First, the shampoo should be suitable for your hair type; second, it must be made from natural ingredients. Ideally, if it is prepared by cold pressing.