
Birth control pills can help women who suffer from premenstrual syndrome. Thanks it will take the swelling before menstruation will not have an abrupt change in mood. Moreover, the duration of the menstrual period will be reduced to 1-2 days. This is understandable, since progestins, entering the body, will affect the thickness of the endometrium, for this reason, he will not have time to grow.

You should know that the pill relieves women from menstrual pains, therefore, gynaecologists often prescribe hormonal contraceptives in patients with painful menstruation as medicine. In this case, they should take at least six months. As a result, the ovaries go into a kind of vacation, after returning from where they begin to work in the painless mode. It is important to know that birth control pills may increase breast. However, it is not necessary to hope that from flat-chested Twiggy can turn into a Pamela Anderson, but to increase the bust is 1-2 sizes succeed.

Due to hormonal contraceptives have the opportunity to solve some aesthetic problems. For example, they are able to stop excessive hair growth and solve the problems with prelimi rash. That's just the drugs should possess anti-androgennoe effect. They also assist the body of a woman who survived an abortion. So, some contraceptives protect the ovaries from serious consequences.


Not to mention the fact that in some cases birth control pills can harm the woman's body. So, hormonal contraceptives may benefit women who have regular sexual intercourse with one partner. It is important to know that not all birth control pills will suit girls under the age of 25. After all, their body continues to grow, and hormonal balance is constantly changing.

Nulliparous young women should choose micro or low-dose hormonal drugs. If birth control pills were properly matched, they can cause weight gain. However, do not panic, as the drugs of the last generation would add only 1-2 kg, not 20-30. It is also important to remember that some antibiotics and sleeping pills will cancel the action of contraceptives. Therefore it is necessary for the time of their admission to use other means of protection from unwanted pregnancy. All of the mechanisms of action of birth control pills should explain to the gynecologist, he can prescribe the optimal drug, harmless to the body.