Biography Of Tom Neuwirth

Conchita Wurst is a pseudonym, real name and surname of singer Tom Neuwirth. He was born in the Austrian city of Gmunden, 6 November 1988. Tom's childhood passed in Stree that the South-East of Austria. In 2001 he graduated from the fashion School in Graz. Thereafter, the future Conchita became seriously interested in music.

In 2006, Tom participated in the third season of the popular Austrian show for aspiring pop singers "Starmania" (analogue of our "New wave"). In this contest, he took second place. A year later, Tom created the boy band Jetzt anders!, which appeared in the genre of pop-rock. However, the team lasted only a few months.

How did Conchita Wurst

Wide popularity That was able to obtain only after came up with his stage persona Conchita Wurst. Public debut at the this way held in 2011.

With Tom, similar way it brought psychological trauma: as a teenager he faced discrimination and persecution. The image of a bearded women became a kind of statement in defense of tolerance.

The idea of Tom was supported by his father, who is the owner of the company for the production of meat products. He even called the sausage its production in honor of Tom. By the way, he also did not remain in debt. The name Conchita is of direct relevance to the work of the father: "Wurst" in German means "sausage".

Conchita Wurst has its own biography. Of course, it is fictional. So, Conchita was born in the mountains of Colombia, near Bogota. Her childhood was spent in Germany. She was named after her grandmother, while her father's name is Alfredo Knak von Wurst.

Conchita Wurst is male or female?

Many, looking at the bearded singer, wondering what she sex. Conchita is a man, and in the truest sense of the word. She's a transvestite - a person who dresses and behaves like a member of the opposite sex. How did the sex change operation and, in his words, it is not intended. He doesn't want to change himself, he just created a character to show that you can be a star in any form.

Meanwhile, Tom is the representative of nonconventional sexual orientation. On this he openly declares. Heart bearded beauty long been occupied. Conchita for the past few years is gay marriage. Her husband is a burlesque dancer Jacques Patrick.

On the official website of the musician stresses the separation between Tom Neuwirth and Conchita Wurst artist. In particular, it says that they are two independent human beings with their fates, but working in a team and acting against discrimination and for tolerance.

Why Conchita Wurst beard

Tom said that he never got rid of his beard. It is his thing. In her wedding day Tom was walking down the aisle in a beautiful white dress to the floor. And even then he refused to shave his beard.

Bearded lady is really shocking and Angers people, but that is what makes a bet That. He strongly believes that such resentment causes people to reflect on the nature of xenophobia.