Balloons are a constant attribute of the holiday, but what if you have to inflate a large number of balloons and tanks of helium not? It doesn't matter. You can have your own hydrogen, without even leaving home. This will need a simple plastic bottle, a syringe, a tube, natural cork, copper sulphate, copper wire, wire of aluminium, and better than aluminum foil, sealant, food salt and actually own balloons.

As a replacement for aluminum wire or foil you can use aluminum jar, the only condition is that you need to clean its inner surface from paint and a protective polymer layer. And yet – all work is best done wearing protective gloves and glasses.

The stages of Assembly of a hydrogen plant

In the bottle cap need to drill two holes: one at the hose, the other under the syringe. For better attachment of the syringe to the tip and in one of the holes on the lid it is desirable to make the threads. To fix the done holes the syringe and hose, and its connections to coat with sealant. On the free end of the hose to put on the tube – it will provide the fastening of the ball. The plunger of the syringe to attach a copper wire to the surface as treated with a sealant. To the free end of the attached wire is required to tie the wire made of aluminum or crumpled foil. The piston will permit free movement of the aluminum reagent in the bottle.

Pushing the reagent out of aluminum in a bottle and closing the lid, you can get ready hydrogen production unit. To start its operation the lid of the bottle with reagent aluminium should be removed, and the bottle to fill the copper sulfate and table salt in a ratio of 1:1. Pour water and wait until the mixture is completely dissolved. The contents of the bottle need the cold to do this, it can be put in a bowl of cold water. The tube is fixed to the end of the hose, put a balloon, after the aluminum must be immersed in a solution of vitriol and salt and replace the cap.

What is the process of inflating the ball

The reaction followed immediately: secreted hydrogen to fill a balloon. As dissolution of the oxide layer of aluminum and heating the reaction solution will only accelerate. In the case of too rapid evolution of hydrogen can be removed aluminium from the solution by pulling back on the plunger of the syringe. Pull the balloon directly onto the neck of the bottle is strictly prohibited! Received the balls can be left in the form in which they are, or you can besiege them white or black bag and attach the led and run the ball in the dark.