Just replace the batteries

If the remote transmits a signal through time, drifting in and generally behaves extremely unstable, most likely it was just dead batteries. Enough to change them, and this useful tool will again begin to function normally. If the batteries you changed recently, still perform this procedure. Sometimes there are defective batteries that hold a charge for very long.

Another cause of instability (or failure) remote — failure of the transmitter on the remote control or sensor the infrared signal on the TV. Often broken transmitter remote control, not the control sensor of the TV. To test that the remote control, just walk to any store or to visit friends who have the same model TV. If a unit is not viable, you can send it in for repair or buy a new one.

In nine cases out of ten, the matter is in the console

Sometimes problems in the work of the panel explains the change in the frequency of the messages as a result, the console is showing signs of life, blinking lights, but the TV on it does not respond. Moreover, the remote can control other equipment (of course, if it relates to universal). In such a situation it may seem that the failure occurred in the TV and not the remote device. This is unlikely, as the consoles go down much (hundreds of times) more often than the TV. So that remote if you notice such symptoms need to pay an experienced professional who will be able to diagnose causes of malfunction and eliminate it.

Sometimes television can just stop responding to the remote, the lamp can respond to button presses but no action. In this case, you can turn off and turn on the TV, if this does not help, update the software of your TV to the latest versions.

On any modern smartphone you can install an app that turns your smart phone into a remote control for the TV, stereo and other equipment. Usually we have some time to Tinker with the settings, but in the end you can get a remote that always with you and that you will finally be able to call.

In most cases, the repair panel costs more than buying a new universal or specialized.