The need for the treatment of wounds

Smear chickenpox it is necessary to eliminate the risk of getting infection and prevent scratching inflammation baby. To prevent negative consequences, may require the use of an antiseptic ointment, with disinfecting effect.

Antibacterial drugs

For many years one of the most inexpensive and effective drugs in the treatment of the disease is green. It has a disinfectant effect and at the same time slightly dries out, which contributes to their rapid healing and subsequent recovery.

Some parents as an antibacterial drug used iodine, but to smear it on your spots when the chickenpox is prohibited because this medicine can cause severe itching on the baby's skin and cause scratching of the baby emerging sores. Alternative green drug is potassium permanganate. The solution will help to reduce the itching, dry eruptions. Smear the skin needs 5% solution of potassium manganese, which can be purchased in virtually any pharmacy.

Treatment of mucous

If the windmill began to infect the mucous membranes of your child (e.g. mouth or genitals), it is possible to carry out the treatment with a solution furatsilina, which also has an antibacterial effect. For the treatment of mucous membranes may also be suitable boric acid and hydrogen peroxide. Before using a solution you should consult with your doctor.

Reducing itching

Ointments such as "Acyclovir", "Virolex" and "Root" will significantly reduce the itching and to improve the General condition of the child. The drugs have an antiviral effect, which has a positive impact in the treatment of the virus of chickenpox. Another good tool is the "Calamine", which will allow you to save a child from itching and thereby eliminate combing and getting an infection in the baby's body.

Among other effective remedies for chicken pox note the "Fukortsin", "Rivanol" and methylene solution. With strong itching chickenpox can be coated with glycerol. In some cases, doctors recommend treating smallpox "Menadione", "Rutin" or calcium chloride. The use of these substances is useful if the rash the child gain a hemorrhagic (bleeding). The number and frequency of application of the solution is determined by the selected for applying the composition. So, "Rivanol" may be applied to the wounds 2 times a day.

Bright spots that were left after the smallpox, it is possible to grease with vegetable oil to even out skin color and to accelerate the disappearance of the traces of the disease.