Causes of death in budgies

The most common cause of death in budgies – poisoning. The bird can be poisoned by poor quality food or something to eat in the free movement around the room. Deadly parrot may be the eating of salt, medicines, some houseplants. Some parrots eat the paint, which contains salts of heavy metals. It also leads to poisoning. The bird can be poisoned by spraying close cell liquid window cleaners, air fresheners, hairspray and other aerosols. Upholstered in steel cages with zinc plated, parrots become poisoned by the metal, because his beak to collect the particles and swallow. Parrot is eating deadly fungi that may be contained in the feed by improper storage, walnuts and hazelnuts.

The parrot may die after the injury. Flying around the apartment, it could get in between the doors, to burn, hit the glass, fall for the wardrobe and trying to escape, something to break. A bird can die from electricity because easily bites the wire.

Parrot is a very sensitive animal with a weak heart, so you may even die from stress and being afraid. At least the first time, it is desirable to protect the pet from such undesirable factors as: loud shouting, bright beam of light in the darkness, a growl or barking dogs, throw cats at the cage.

Female wavy parrot can die because of a violation of the rules of breeding. Often when first laying the egg can get stuck and put pressure on the internal organs of a bird. If time does not address to the expert, the female will die.

Parrots, like other animals, vulnerable to various diseases. It can be a genetic disease, caused by bad heredity. Parrots suffer from infectious diseases, they are worms sometimes appear tumors. These and other diseases, especially if not detected in time, are not subject to treatment. Sometimes the disease is too far advanced, and the animal suffers. In this case, you should decide whether to condemn the bird further suffering.

How to keep parrot from premature death?

Buying chick wavy parrot, ask what should be the proper ration his food. Carefully choose food is the basis of the pet's health. Don't feed the parrot on the table.

Select a spacious cage of suitable material. Do not keep the cage in the draft, so as not to chill parrot.

Maximum secure apartment. Clear out anything that might hurt the parrot, or to cause poisoning.

Carefully observe the pet. Any changes in his behavior may indicate disease. The sooner you consult a doctor, the more chances of a favorable outcome.