Is it possible to raise a wolf

In the history there were cases when the wolf really did become human pet, replacing the dog, and even carried the team. It is worth remembering that this is not the usual practice, and an incredible exception.

In General, to raise a wolf is possible, though incredibly difficult. To do it it is necessary from the first days of life the cub. Eric Zimen, a biologist from Germany, noted that after devyatnadtsatogo the age of the cub, it will be impossible to expose socialization. Education specialists wolves, of which there are not so many, start their work with puppies 8-10 days old. So before you start taking solid food remains two to three weeks, puppies are weaned from the mother and all the time fed milk from a bottle.

The main secret of taming the wolf is to be animal "pack member", that is, to do everything to a wolf took a man like kinsman. But this condition is not enough, one must become not only neighbors, but pack leader, otherwise the complete domestication will not work. The fact is that animals always built rigid social hierarchy. In the pack there can be no two equal to each other wolves, one always stands above others on the social ladder, dominates him. So the man and the wolf can not become friends, even if the wolf take him.
Family couple of DataRow from the United States renounced all the benefits of civilization and settled in the woods to study a pack of wolves. In 6 years of living side by side, they managed to make friends with the whole pack of wolves.

This should be reflected on the upbringing of the cubs. If the wolf attacks, then the person should not be afraid to escape in any way show the fear, and the need to fight back – or from an early age the wolf will realize that he is stronger and dominant in the relationship.

What dangers can trap

It should be understood that to fully domesticate a wolf is impossible, and stories of people who managed to tame a wolf as a home dog is more natural anomalies. The researchers note that "socialized" the wolf may be more dangerous than wild. Wild wolf heard the man, sensing his smell, the rush to escape. Accustomed to man and beast do not be afraid to come up and bite first.

Any manifestation of affection (a Pat over the back of the neck, a Pat on the head), which used the domestic dog, the wolf may be to attempt to attack and fight back hard.

In addition, no wonder there is a saying: "How many wolf feed, he still looks to the forest". What would be perfect conditions man is not created for the wolf, no matter how eager to surround him with comfort and coziness, sooner or later he will flee to the forest, this also applies to wolves born in captivity.
In the Leningrad zoo the trainer Dmitry Vasiliev raised a wolf, who still perceive it as a mother and behaves like an obedient dog. To all those people, wolf is quite aggressive.

In General, about the dream to have a wolf as a pet can be forgotten. Education wolves can only deal with specially trained people who choose wolves the object of scientific research.