Not all gardeners know that carrot seeds can be sown not only in late April – early may, but before winter.

Why is it good to plant carrots for the winter

On the site in the spring a lot of cases, so valuable every hour. If possible, it's good to be a part of the planting work and to migrate in the fall. At this time, harvested, dug earth, and have the time to plant carrots for the winter.

Another reason for soil moisture. Carrot grows long – 10-14 days. At this time it must be a sufficient amount of water, which happens in the spring after the snow melts. But the soil at that time too crude, so it is difficult to dig. If you plant the seeds for the winter, in the spring digging the soil is not required. Besides "inwinter" morkovka get enough moisture, and the seeds will sprout fine.

The choice of planting day

It is very important to bring the seeds land on time. If it try to do too late in the fall, then the frozen ground will be very difficult to work with. If you start work at the beginning of autumn, to the winter the seeds will germinate and will die from frost.

Optimum period: late October – early November. Earlier in the beginning of November could lutovac 30-degree frosts. Now there is no such early winters and at the beginning of November it is possible to carry out these works.

Planting dates largely depend on weather. November can also be warm and snowless. Then, planted in late October, the seeds will germinate in the thaw, and during the frost die.
Carrots under winter planting when the earth will freeze 3 cm. It can be both at the beginning and in the middle of November.

Frozen ground is hard to dig, and plant the seeds already settled in the garden, so prepare it in advance - in the month of October.

Garden and seeds for carrots inwinter

The bed must be a height of 15-20 cm Below it can not be done as the spring melt water will take away a large part of the seed and the harvest will be small. If you make it too high, then winter will be fatal to seed – some snow may fall because of the wind, and they will freeze and lose germination. Besides the summer on a very high ridge of little moisture, as it evaporates quickly in the sun.
In the winter, the carrots need to be sown in 1.5 times more often than in spring, as part of the seeds may not germinate. Make furrows and plant the dry seeds. Top notch sprinkle a layer of peat 1.5 cm

The spring between the rows should be carefully podrujit the ground. Planted for winter carrots not only saves time in the spring, but also early to eat young sweet fruits.