Cooking earthen mixture

To create for growing roses ideal soil, you must determine the type of substrate in your garden and contribute the missing ingredients.

If the soil crumbles easily in the hand, so, it belongs to the sandy type. She warms up quickly, is pervious to water and air, but contains few nutrients. To make it perfect for the flower, need to one part add 2 parts of sod land, 2 parts powdered clay, and one part of compost and humus.

The loamy soil is crumbly but clumps, coupled together, not glued. This substrate is rich in nutrients, it flows well and keeps the heat and water. To prepare the mixture for loamy soil, you mix 3 parts sand with its one part sod land, compost and humus.

If the soil is heavy, straying into a dense lump, badly passes air and water, cracks when dry, but rich in minerals, you're dealing with clay type. To make a soil suitable for growing roses, it should be added 6 parts sand, one part compost, humus, sod land.

Instead of using humus, loam, and compost, vermicompost (vermicompost) you will get a stronger effect. Vermicompost which is a product of processing of organic matter with worms, beneficial effects on soil structure. And organisms that inhabit it, to improve the quality of the substrate. The vermicompost a third more humates than in the once popular among growers and gardeners rotted (for at least 2 years) manure.

Acidity and nutrient content in the soil

Ideal for roses is considered slightly acidic soil with pH 5.5 to 6.5. To change the acidity can by adding peat, which has an acidic pH level. If your garden soil is alkaline, acidify it slightly by adding 2 parts peat. In acidic soil it is necessary to make pre-proizvestkovannym peat (mixed with lime in an amount of 100 g in a bucket of peat).

Earlier in the earthen mixture must be added to mineral fertilizers today gardeners are doing just fine using their natural analogues. For example, you can use the drug HB101 in the granules. It represents the distillation of plants (pine, cypress, plantain, cedar). This fertilizer has a soft balanced action. It prevents disease and stimulates the immune system of the plant. In addition, HB 101 contains the basic mineral elements – silicon, iron, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, sodium. About 10 granules deposited in the planting hole, during the first year of life will provide roses a great survival rate.