The average cost of parrots

There is a huge selection of varieties of parrots. Depending on the form of the feathered ranges and its price.

Wavy parrot is one of the most popular cell birds. The size of these parrots is about 18-19 see the Dominant color is green or blue. Price: from 400 to 800 rubles.

Lovebird – a little mischievous bird with a cheerful nature and bright colors. Their vocabulary – no more than 10 words. Price: 1 500 RUB.

Corella Australian parrots with a weight of about 150 grams. Have a beautiful tuft. Drafts and sudden changes in temperature pose a serious danger for them. Price: from 2000 rubles.

Jaco grey parrot is originally from Africa. In his vocabulary of about 100 turns of speech. Unlike other birds, Jaco has a self-centered disposition. That is why adaptation and domestication takes a lot of time. Price: from 15 000 to 300 000 rubles.

Such a difference depends on where you are going to buy a parrot. For example, in the poultry market, the wild boy, not a trained speech, will cost from 15 000 to 35 000 rubles.

In the pet shop such a purchase will cost more - from 70 000 to 150 000 rubles. From private breeders manual Jacquot cost from 60 000 to 120 000 rubles. Parrots that already have a vocabulary and can speak in sentences, there are 300 000.

Amazon – colorful parrots that are easy to contact with people. The size of this bird is about 40 cm Amazon live more than 50 years. The main advantage of this view is that these parrots perfectly imitate human speech and are inexpensive. Price: from 15 000 and above.

Kakadu is one of the most interesting species with excellent artistic appearance. Human speech is not subject to them, but a couple of dozen words and phrases they can remember The size of Kakadu is 30-70 cm in length. A weight of 1 kg. There are 20 subspecies, but the most popular are cockatoo with grey and white colors. Price: from 35 000 to 500 000, depending on the type and place of purchase.

Ara – the brightest of birds. It is distinguished by its impressive size and its length can reach up to 1 meter. The Lord of the world parrots all the words were pronounced clean, but his vocabulary is rarely more than 50-60 words. But, unlike the others, he utters the words of place, depending on what is happening. Price: from 90 000 to $ 50,000.

Buying a parrot: how not to fall into the hands of fraudsters

As you know, prices in the poultry market is significantly lower than the prices in pet stores. Most of the purchases made there. But you should understand that the market will not give you any documents for the cruise. Moreover, you can cheat, palming off instead of manual, three-month, healthy parrot wild and sick "old man".

If you want to purchase a healthy parrot no problem, you should consider a few tips.

Be careful! Before buying please note on the behavior of birds. The first signs of a healthy parakeet include active singing, appetite, liveliness.

Give preference to pet shops and specialized nurseries. In the second case the Chicks must be ringed. On the ring they have broken the country, nursery address, and date of birth of the parrot.