Nymphomania – a disease or promiscuity?
Greek doctors believed nymphomania disease, closely tying in with the hysteria, which gave the rough title of "uterine fury". The fact that heightened sexual desire, promiscuity in intimate relationships is often observed in too impressionable, emotional, prone to conspicuous scandals women, many of whom could not get pregnant and give birth.
Such views were widespread until the late middle Ages. So a woman is too sexually active, could either calculate the patient either suspected of having links with the evil spirit. And then her fate was very sad.
What can cause nymphomania?
After the onset of a more liberal era promiscuous with frequent changes of partners were classified as "promiscuity". In fact, the nature of this phenomenon is rather complicated. Most often nimfomanki are people with a high content in the body of certain hormones responsible for libido. It is because of this hormonal changes they experience strong (and often obsessive) desire for frequent sexual contacts with different partners. That is, some kind of hero-lover like don Juan it may be an ordinary nymphomaniac.
Often nymphomania in women is associated with the impossibility of satisfaction in sexual intercourse (the so-called "ninfomaniaca frigidity"). It is a vicious circle: the more a woman strives to reach orgasm, this changing of partners, the greater the disappointment. Often because of this, it ends persistent mental disorder.
Many modern experts believe that the basis of nymphomania are any psychopathological processes, which, however, cannot be considered a disease in the full sense of the word. Rather, it was a "border state".