Select the appropriate time for the delivery of employee thank you letters. A worthy cause for a public expression of gratitude may be the successful execution of special assignments, a high level of performance for a specific period, anniversary or professional holiday.
If you have to write a letter of gratitude to the employee for the preparation of an important event or the conclusion of a profitable affiliate agreement, talk to his immediate supervisor. Head of the structural unit will talk about the contribution of the employee to encourage the implementation of specific project and characterize it from a professional point of view.
Make the text a thank-you letter on the letterhead of the organization. In the upper right corner, place the stamp in the upper left – the name of the structural unit, position, name and initials of the employee. The appeal will issue this way: "Dear Ivan Ivanovich!" or "Dear Maria Sergeevna!". Do not use other options, such as "dear", "Mr.", etc.
Specify the occasion on which it is written this thank you letter. Address the employee may on behalf of the Manager who will sign the document on behalf of the company as a whole. In the first case, the beginning letter would be: "I Congratulate You on the exceeding April sales plan by 100%", second: "the company "Zenith" expresses gratitude for the fulfillment in April the sales plan by 100%".
List in the body of the email personal contribution of the employee while performing a specific task. Note that highly appreciate his diligence and commitment to the company and look forward to further professional success. The employee will be a pleasure to read, for example, the following sentence: "You creatively approached the project and made a huge effort to finish it on schedule. You skillfully coordinated the work of the group and has achieved impressive results. I appreciate Your creativity and erudition".
If letter of thanks is made on the occasion of the anniversary of the employee or in connection with the professional holiday, try to learn more about his work. Specify the number of years worked by the employee in the organization, positions that he held. Find specific evidence of business qualities of an employee and his professional achievements. Ask the opinion of colleagues about this man.
Write the text of the letter is based on generalized information. In the first sentence, after the appeal, indicate the reason for which my thanks. For example: "In connection with the celebration of the Day of architects, OOO "Zenit" thank You for the many years of constructive work and great contribution to the prosperity of the company." Next, check the employee's professionalism, its energy, commitment to duty, dedication, responsibility, and other positive qualities. Don't forget to mention the ability to support colleagues, to create a friendly atmosphere.
Print anniversary thank you letter on paper or in a special greeting form. This will give it the importance and solemnity. Details of the organization should not be specified. Position, surname and initials of the employee place on the left. Contact the jubilee thank-you letters, accepted on behalf of the company. To sign the letter should head.