Features of fertilizer into the soil for cucumbers

Cucumbers will grow well and give a good yield only if soil is fertile. It is better to plant them the next year after the soil was amended with mineral and especially organic fertilizers. As organic fertilizer need to use manure, humus, they do not like and may cease to grow and wither immediately after the first fruits ripen and even the most careful nursing will not help them.

Organic matter as fertilizer is most suitable as the root system of the cucumber surface and assimilate its properties are not very good, however, for a short period of vegetation, plants need to create multiple sheet system and give much fruit. So fertilizers are needed such that they are absorbed by the plant easily and in sufficient quantity. With such sensitivity to soil fertility and fertiliser application, the soil must be prepared in advance. Two-thirds of the total amount of necessary fertilizers is necessary to make under the digging, the rest – before planting, during soil loosening or simultaneously with transplanting seedlings.
The use along with more mineral and organic fertilizers will help to neutralize the negative effect of chlorine, which contains potash.

What fertilizer to use for cucumbers

Fertilize cucumbers need from a very tender age – when they are still seedlings. To do this, use cow or chicken manure, diluted with water in ratio of 1:8 or 1:10, respectively. Watering with manure is carried out in two weeks, when sprouts appear and the second time in a couple of days before you plan to plant the seedlings in the ground. In this case, 10 l of a solution you can add 15 g of ammonium nitrate, the same amount of potassium sulfate and 20 g of superphosphate. Make this fertilizer at the rate of 1 Cup for 2 plants.
To prolong the period of fruiting, cucumbers periodically to feed, making superphosphate or potassium nitrate before rain or before you came in to water the cucumbers.

Mineral fertilizers without organic matter, can be used only on very fertile soils. One of the key elements for the accelerated fruiting, is phosphorus. It is made in two layers, the bottom layer in the form of powdered superphosphate mixed with organic matter, and in the upper – right in the beds simultaneously with the sowing of seeds in the form of granules, at the rate of 5 g per 1 square meter. To speed up fruiting and increased yields on sandy soils you need to make magnesium fertilizer.