The value of b vitamins

B1(thiamine) plays a key role in energy metabolism important for normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It improves mental activity and is responsible for vision.

B2 (Riboflavin) is important for energy metabolism and vision. Protects the nervous system, strengthens the immune system, supports normal metabolism.

B5(Pantothenic acid) is essential for many biological processes, including conduction of nerve impulses, synthesis of cell membranes.

B6(pyridoxine) is essential for the regulation of mental processes. Involved in the maintenance of normal blood sugar levels and the synthesis of hemoglobin. Protects the nervous system and the immune system.

B9(folic acid or folate) is responsible for the healthy appearance of the skin, and prevents anemia. In immunocompromised children improves appetite.

B12(cyanocobalamin) is essential for DNA synthesis, formation of red blood cells and nerve tissue.

An overabundance of vitamin b

Overdose of vitamin quite rare. Being easily water soluble, vitamins are easily excreted and do not accumulate in the body. A surplus of this vitamin is only possible if long-term use in the form of tablets and injections.

Excess of vitamin B1 can affect the amplification of allergic reactions and cause insomnia. The excess of the normal level of vitamin B6 in the body can cause numbness of the extremities.

Abuse of vitamin B9 can cause General malaise, sleep disturbance, hypertension. The body's reaction to a surplus of B9 may be vomiting. Possible allergic reactions such as rash, itching and bronchospasm.

The excess of B12 in the body may increase allergies or cause it in the form of rashes on the skin. Vitamins B2 and B5 are not toxic. When you overdose on adverse reactions not detected.

Deficiency of vitamin b

The lack of B1 with prolonged deficiency leads to muscle atrophy. Lack of B1 causes disorders of the digestive and nervous systems.

Lack of B2 can cause growth delay and deterioration of vision. A lack of vitamin B2 causes of illnesses such as headache, loss of appetite, fatigue. In severe cases B2 deficiency leads to damage of the conjunctiva, nervous system, skin.

The lack of B5 in the body causes various metabolic disorders: dermatitis, depigmentation, cessation of growth, etc.
If not enough vitamin B6 appear persistent skin irritation and inflammation of the oral cavity, disorders of the nervous system, anemia. In case of insufficiency of B6 nausea, reduced appetite, increased anxiety and there is a skin disease like dry seborrheic dermatitis.

Lack of vitamin B9 may cause problems with digestion. The lack of this vitamin can result in stunted growth, anemia. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, coronary artery disease and even infertility.