This group of vitamins is extremely important for our body. B vitamins are involved in almost all processes of life. Each of the "family" is responsible for their individual processes. Let's consider them in order.

Vitamin B1, thiamine

Responsible for the proper function of the kidneys, cardiovascular and nervous systems. Provides a high level of health and stress, and improves appetite. Without it, there is no normal circulation of water in the body.

The lack of vitamin B1 can cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, heart rhythm disorders, insomnia, neurosis and depression.

Sources of vitamin: grain bread, legumes, lean pork, brown rice.

Vitamin B2, Riboflavin

This vitamin is included in a record amount of compounds in the body, and therefore almost all reactions occur with its participation. Growth and development, tissue repair, formation of red blood cells and the synthesis of hemoglobin without him would be impossible.

It is necessary to actively include in your diet liver, kidneys, milk, eggs and cheese, to avoid anemia, skin lesions, and dermatologic diseases, disorders of vision and metabolism.

Vitamin B3, Vitamin PP, nicotinic acid

You should start with the most important functions of this vitamin to protect the body from pellagra. This disease has terrible symptoms: diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis... he is Also responsible for lowering levels of "bad" cholesterol and preventing atheroslerosis. Nicotinic acid is involved in tissue respiration, without it looking skin will never be perfect! So try to complement their menu of meats and poultry, fatty fish, and potatoes.

Vitamin B4, choline

Responsible for fat metabolism in the liver and for the good condition of the nervous system. Lack of it will cause problems with growth, as well as with the liver and kidneys. In order to avoid them, starting the day with oatmeal, like cabbage salad and crusty bread.

Vitamin B5, pantotenova acid

Responsible for muscle tone, for the high level of activity for thermoregulation. As it is involved in the synthesis of adrenal hormones and antibodies the blood, protects the body from penetration of infections and malignant tumors. The lack of people will feel General weakness and lethargy. To change this you could be sitting on dried fruits, nuts, grain bread, offal.

Vitamin B6, pyridoxine

Vitamin responsible for the production of serotonin - the hormone of good mood". He also is involved in the synthesis of many essential elements, lowers cholesterol. Without it you risk to get problems with skin and vision, as well as depression and insomnia. Keep the diet constantly present yeast, eggs, grains, meat and fish.

Vitamin B7, Biotin

With it released from the food nutrients. If there is a lack of Biotin, inevitable disturbances in carbohydrate and amino acid exchanges. Also disturbed fatty acid synthesis, which is manifested in changes of the skin, loss of hair and nails. If you notice these symptoms, enter in the dietmeals from liver, whole grain rye, rice bran, ground nuts.

Vitamin B8, Inositol

This vitamin is little-known, but it is a real antidepressant, responsible for normal functioning of the nervous system. Want to be more resistant to stress and sleep better? First of all, try to use sesame oil, as well as eggs fish, whole grains and grapefruit.

Vitamin B9, folic acid

Involved in the synthesis of nucleic acids, promotes the formation of red blood cells and cell division. Indispensable for pregnant women is impossible without the normal development of the fetus! and generally regulates all hormonal processes in the female body. There are numerous products from which to get it: green leafy vegetables, pumpkin, carrots, nuts, figs, barley, buckwheat and oat cereals, bran, legumes, yeast, mushrooms, bananas, oranges, apricots, melon, meat, liver, milk, egg yolk - choose to your taste.

Vitamin B10, para-aminobenzoic acid

This acid is very important for the normal activity of the intestine, for the breakdown of protein and blood. Also responsible for the good condition of the skin, preventing premature aging, wrinkles and sunburn. Is a powerful antioxidant. Due to these properties are widely used in cosmetology. Q10 can be obtained from bran, potatoes, mushrooms, nuts, carrots, rice, wheat germ, molasses, meat, cheese, eggs, fish, dairy products.

Vitamin B11, l-carnitine

Responsible for all systems of the body have enough energy. Of course, the body itself in sufficient quantity is able to synthesize this substance, but under extreme loads it is better to nourish it sprouted grains, yeast and meat products.

Vitamin B12, cyanocobalamin

Especially important for the circulatory and nervous systems. Involved in the synthesis hemoglobin, the synthesis of antibodies and red blood cells. B12 helps the brain in the elderly prevents dementia, and in children - increases learning ability. Supports liver health and male reproductive system. So don't forget about the seaweed, soy, poultry, oily fish, eggs and milk!

As we can see, all the vitamins of this group are important and necessary so that the daily menu was varied and rich.