There are "live" Wallpaper that is able to respond to even the playing the music. To set a live Wallpaper is possible on Windows operating systems Vista , Windows 7 and 8. The installation procedure is simple, you only need to download and install a special program that is not supplied by the developer Microsoft complete updates.

The installation of the program

The program for installation on desktop "live" or a video called Wallpaper DreamScene Enabler. It should be download by typing in any search engine "3D Wallpapers" or on the official website After downloading the software, install it, as a rule, installation instructions attached. After installing the program, you must restart the computer. For correct operation of this program must necessarily include support for Windows Aero. Next fill up (download) animated themes folder C:\Windows\Web\Windows DreamScene in order that they appear in the menu "personalization".

To facilitate the installation of the program find video instructions on the Internet, there are a large number. The information is presented step by step and clearly.

Install "live" Wallpapers

The program supports only files of format wmv or mpg. After all the above steps for installing the program is executed, click the file format you want – there will be a new record Set as Desktop Bacrground. Click on this entry and instead of the usual Wallpaper on your desktop animated will be installed.

To labels labels do not blink, you must customize the background – right mouse button click on desktop – personalization – desktop background, select solid color, then choose white.

Animated Wallpaper is very resource-intensive, pull your computer a toy? To further avoid any question of "Why is my computer so slow?", make sure that your computer is powerful and strong.

Animated Wallpapers can also be installed on OS "Android". It is also necessary to note that the device must be powerful. Such applications require less memory and consume energy, meaning the battery should be good enough. The weak low-power device, it is better not to install animated Wallpaper.