How is the infection and development of herpes

The virus can be spread by droplets of saliva while talking, sneezing, kissing. In this case it enters the body through the respiratory tract, broken skin, via the conjunctiva of the eye. The biggest danger are the people with the aggravation, which have clearly visible external signs of active herpes. Infection in such cases is very likely, so it is advisable to avoid them any direct contacts.

In most cases the virus is transmitted through any sexual contact with the infected. A small percentage of infection occurs when using personal care products or items belonging to infected - towel, toothbrush, bedding, sponge, spoons, cups, etc.

Herpes can be transmitted during pregnancy from an infected mother and during childbirth. The risk of infection in childbirth is more than 40%. Lose of the fetus can occur at any stage of pregnancy, leading to the formation of malformations, preterm birth, or fetal death. A particular danger is the primary recurrence of genital herpes during pregnancy. If this manifestation happens just before birth, it is recommended cesarean delivery.

Herpes virus 8, able to trigger the development of Kaposi's sarcoma, along with the usual ways, is also multiple use of syringes and organ transplants.

Penetrating through the skin and mucous membranes of a healthy person, the virus begins to infiltrate the blood, lymph nodes and internal organs. It is distributed and accumulates in spinal and cranial ganglia. After infection begin to form antibodies that remain in the patient permanently. The virus manifests itself in the form of a rash only under favourable conditions, such as hypothermia, stress, etc. that is, the carrier of the virus with a strong immune system may not even know about your carrier. However, this person also is a potential hazard to health.

Preventive measures

To date, a complete cure of herpes is impossible, so everybody should know about preventive recommendations on how to avoid infection or recurrence of herpes.

The main thing is to maintain immunity at a high level, i.e. healthy eating, physical activity, tempering, absence of bad habits, adequate sleep, avoidance of overcooling and overheating. You cannot run the development of chronic diseases, they negatively influence on the protective system of the body and provoke the development of viral infections.

You should avoid sexual relations with random people. It is recommended to use condoms even with regular partners. In the period of the rash is to avoid any touch. For the prevention of infection during pregnancy be sure to use a condom, and exclusion of oral sex.

Good hygiene - washing hands after using public places, the use of personal hygiene items. Preferably, if the patient will lead a separate plate, spoon, towel, etc.

Sometimes justified vaccination, aimed at suppressing the virus and preventing the awakening of the infection.