The list of persons obliged to undergo a medical examination

A medical examination is required to pass all new job seekers. While the planned second medical examination is necessary for employees whose work is associated with a high risk are electricians, firemen, rescue workers, crane operators, etc.

Further, the planned re-medical examination are all dealing with the use, carrying and possession of firearms: security guards, bill collectors, cops.
A survey for employment you can go to the clinic at the place of residence or any other medical facility that provide these services. And in that and in other case you will have to pay a certain amount.

Cooks, salespersons, employees of the food industry involved in the manufacture of food products, undergo regular routine medical examination and have medical sanitary book with tolerances to work.

Doctors, employees of resorts, all employees who are responsible to monitor the health and hygiene of other people also undergo regular medical examination.

What will be required to pass a medical examination

For medical examination you will need a passport or other document proving the identity, direction, help from the psychiatrist and, unless otherwise provided by law. All food industry workers are bringing health book for a doctor. Previously in this document should be made information about the passage of the relevant tests.
When re-medical examination of employees, all expenses paid by the employer. Often newly admitted employees are eligible for such assistance.

If you again get a new job, in the registry you fill outpatient card, which will be made all the results of your survey. On this map you can attach the photo, size 3x4. You will also need a receipt confirming payment for a medical examination, medical insurance, pension insurance certificate.

In connection with the new law a doctor has no right to put access to work if the employee or applicant has a serious disease whose treatment cannot be postponed. Periodicity of medical examination has not changed. Employees of food production undergo a medical examination 2 times a year, others once a year.