First weeks of pregnancy

When conception takes very little time, you will notice the first changes in the body. Breasts swell, the belly above the groin area becomes dense. This state reminds health during the menstrual cycle.

By about the 3rd week of pregnancy in women can begin as headaches, mood swings, morning sickness, lack of appetite or, on the contrary, its strengthening. After ten weeks on ultrasound, first you can see the legs, hands, nose and ears of a baby.

The symptoms of toxicity become less pronounced in the period of 12 weeks. On the belly you can see a dark stripe from the pubic area up. The long-awaited movement occurs in 16 week of pregnancy. A woman may feel abdominal weak, non-recurrent shocks.

The second half of pregnancy

At 20 weeks the uterus increases and begins to rise. There is a clear increase in the abdomen in size. The woman sometimes feels a mild pulling pain in the lower abdomen, contractions called Braxton-Hicks. They have a short temper.

With the growth of the baby weight women gradually add up. Already on 26 week baby movements feel not only the woman herself but also her family, having put his hand to his stomach.

These pregnancy skin on her stomach stretched, and the woman may feel the desire to scratch his belly. It is not recommended, can develop stretch marks. It is better to coat the stomach moisturizing cream or baby oil.

Since 30 weeks, there may be heaviness in the chest and hip region. The baby flips upside down and legs rests on the ribs my mom.

Already on 34 week of pregnancy, a woman can clearly define what hustles the kid inside – elbow or knee. She begins to swell face, feet and hands. Due to the large workload of the kidney is recommended to drink less liquid. Very effective exercises in the knee-elbow position. When her kidneys a rest, and the muscles of the lower back relax.

After 36 weeks, the uterus descends, and breathe easier. There may be a feeling of expansion to the hip - the body begins to prepare to leave. The child at this period is considered to be almost to term. During this period, it is recommended to avoid abrupt movements and stress, not to induce premature labour.

Natural childbirth usually begins after 40 weeks, so you need to listen to any changes in the body to be prepared for this joyful event – the birth of the baby.