Chicken pox named so because one can get infected even from the patient who is at a great distance, and when the disease appears on the skin bubbles with the liquid, as in smallpox. Fortunately, chickenpox is much easier than smallpox.

The rule of three "not" varicella

In most cases, chickenpox affects young children. Recover from the person gains immunity, so cases of adult chickenpox are rare. As a rule, the disease can be successfully treated at home. However, it is extremely contagious (for chickenpox virulence is second only to measles) and can give complications to the internal organs. Therefore, the treatment of chickenpox in any case should not be taken lightly – do not worry, self-will.

From the parents of the sick child requires, above all, strictly observe the rule of three "not" not to let a sick child out of the house before the expiration of the incubation period, not to wet the bubbles (both fresh and dried, turned brown) water and do not allow the child to brush them.
Compliance with the latest rules sometimes is very difficult, especially in cases of severe itching. But you have to explain to your child that the place stripped scabs scars are formed.

To alleviate the itching, and to accelerate the drying of the vesicles, should be daily to lubricate them with a solution of brilliant green, methylene blue, or weak solution of potassium permanganate pale pink color.

What else not to do varicella

Beginning of chickenpox is often accompanied by fever. Some parents to throw her out of habit give the kid a "strong" remedy – aspirin. But do not in any case impossible. In young children, the body which, moreover, weakened by a viral infection, aspirin can cause the so-called Reye's syndrome - severe liver and brain.
If the child has a high temperature (above of 38.5 oC), give paracetamol from the calculation of the maximum single dose 15 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

In addition, it is not necessary to give the patient heavy foods – fatty, fried, spicy, salty, spicy. This may intensify the itching and to serve as an additional burden on the liver. Food should be light, boiled or stewed. One should not give citrus juices. Drink patient good warm tea, cranberry juice, Apple juice or compote, mineral water.