What is chickenpox

Chickenpox is caused by a virus varicella-zoster of the family Herpesviridae. This virus can also lead to the appearance of the human herpes zoster. Chickenpox is characterized by fever and rash in form of papules, more common in children.

Looks like chicken pox

In most cases patients with chicken pox a couple of days before the rash appears feel malaise, headaches, weakness, dizziness, loss of appetite. At this time also may increase the body temperature to 37 degrees and above.

The primary signs and symptoms of chickenpox may be completely absent or go unnoticed. The disease most often reveals itself after beginning of rash.

Approximately 10-20 days after infection on the skin appear red spots size from 1 to 5 mm in diameter, within a few hours they swell, filled with a clear fluid (lymph, Cora excreted virus), which then becomes cloudy. Bubbles burst, shrink and dry up, turning into sores.

The rash of chickenpox continue for 3-7 days. New pimples cease to appear together with the stabilization of body temperature.

Thus, to answer the question about how chicken pox looks as follows: on the human body there is a rash of a different nature from the pink spots until it bubbles and the dried scabs. The majority of lesions detected in the hair of the head and face.

How many days contagious chicken pox

The incubation period for chicken pox lasts from 10 to 21 days. The patient becomes contagious a day before the rash appears and until the fifth day after the cessation of new lesions. So people who were in contact with sick chicken pox, usually placed in quarantine for 21 days. thus, the chicken pox contagious for about 5-10 days.

Is it possible to get chicken pox a second time

It is believed that chicken pox you can't get sick again. However, in practice, doctors often there are cases when the chicken pox is transferred a second time. This is attributed to the fact that the disease was transferred earlier in childhood in the form of light and also with the mutation of the herpes virus that causes chicken pox.

However, most often when re-infected with chicken pox, there is another disease shingles.

So, to get sick with chicken pox for the second time is still possible, but as a rule, people with good immunity again this disease is not worried.

How many days kept the temperature at a chicken pox

Temperature chickenpox may rise slightly (usually not above 37-37,5 degrees) and stay for two or three days. In severe disease it rises to 39-40 degrees and accompanies patient for a couple of days to onset of rash and for about 5-7 days during the appearance of pimples. It can be concluded that the temperature for chicken pox lasts from 3 days to a week.

If the pox is transmitted through a third party

The chickenpox virus is transmitted by airborne droplets. It is very volatile, but in the external environment stable enough, are killed by UV light and high temperatures.

To one hundred percent of persons in contact with sick chicken pox, sick. Infection is possible even without direct contact – the virus can be picked up in the entrance, ventilation, etc.

A preventive measure against chicken pox is room ventilation and wet cleaning.

However, chickenpox is not transmitted through a third party. Thus, infection may occur directly from the carrier, and not of man come into contact with the patient.

Chickenpox in children under one year

As a rule, children under one year get chicken pox is much easier than at an older age. But the complications of the kids was greater than in older children.

It is believed that about half of all babies up to six months, breastfeeding (if the mother's had chickenpox) receive a temporary immunity to the disease. However, even mother's milk does not guarantee that a child will not develop varicella.

How to treat chickenpox in children

While there are no such medicines, which allow to overcome Viru varicella. Therefore, treatment is symptomatic.

The vesicles of the rash cuticles drying means (Zelenka, fucorcinum rivanol yellow), and the temperature down with paracetamol or ibuprofen. To remove the itch used antihistamines: drops fenistil, suprastin, diazolin.

In any case, you cannot use chickenpox aspirin, may lead to violation of activity of kidneys.

How to treat chickenpox in adults

Chickenpox in adults is usually more severe, but the treatment is a little different. Most of these funds is added to the antiviral drug acyclovir and immunomodulators type of Viferon, Anaferon.

Than to smear chickenpox but green fodder

The question of whether to smear the rash of chickenpox brilliant green, it is considered controversial. A solution of brilliant green in most foreign countries is not used.

According to Dr. Komarovsky Zelenka is needed only as a marker to monitor the appearance of new lesions in a patient with chickenpox.

Smear the chicken pox but green fodder can be fukortsin, rivanol yellow. The Internet is also actively promoted Calamine lotion (clear, relieves itching), but it is quite expensive and to find it in pharmacies is often difficult. The analogue is the so-called mash – Cendol.

Can I swim with chicken pox

In this matter, as in whether you want to smear green paint chickenpox, the opinions of experts are also at odds. Most domestic doctor is forbidden to bathe with chickenpox until the complete drying of all the bubbles of smallpox. However, in most European countries not only prohibit swimming with the chicken pox, but recommend to do it to relieve itching. Dr. Komorowski also claimed that taking a bath is possible and necessary, and you can add in water a little potassium permanganate or grass series. Swim takes a short time, without the use of detergents and sponges with a chance of showers. With the exception of the wash during chicken pox is the high temperature.

Is it possible to walk at a chicken pox

In domestic medicine formed the opinion that the chicken pox must stay in bed and observe a quarantine period of 21 days. European doctors believe that with a light flow of varicella patients can live a normal life, including you and hanging out with the chicken pox. However, you should avoid crowded places to avoid the danger of infecting others.

How to remove scars after chicken pox

After chickenpox on the body and face can be long nasty scars. Deep dimples appear due to peeling of sores, therefore, to pierce the bubbles and the dried from scabbing rash is not recommended. The spots of chicken pox on the skin will resolve spontaneously within a few months, however, this process can be accelerated.

To remove the scars after chicken pox, you can use a cream Kontraktubeks. As well to help speed up the process of skin regeneration, the use of masks made from vitamin E capsules to burst and in sufficient quantity is rubbed into the skin, wash off after half an hour), egg whites (applied to half an hour, wash off after drying).

Chicken pox vaccine

In Russia, vaccination against varicella is not, however, want to do the chickenpox vaccine, ordering vaccine on their own. This shot does not give an absolute guarantee of protection from disease, however, according to doctors, after vaccination, chicken pox is transferred in the form of light.

To make the chickenpox vaccine should children at risk for development of complications, and women planning a pregnancy, it had undergone the disease in childhood.