As a rule, the owner of houseplants knows when to irrigate, how much and how often. But many owner's are wonderful creations of nature don't know about the soil in the pots. The soil to be selected depending on the individual characteristics of houseplants. If the plants and soil, the plant may wilt, and the ground covered with a white sheath.

Do I need to change the soil in the pots?

This question has no specific right answer, but still, more positive opinions are given towards periodic replacement of the soil in the pots.

Over time, earth loses its mineral wealth and is unable to enrich the plants with nutrients. In addition, the ground appears white bloom. The reason for such a RAID, maybe even an overabundance of fertilizer, for example, salts contained in the water, which watered a houseplant.
Plaque may form due to the insufficient loosening of soil, that is, prevents the water to evaporate crust in the surface layer of the earth.

As a rule, the ground it is recommended to change once a year, but this period of relative. You need to look at the external condition of the earth. The more often you watering, the shorter the interval between the replacements of the earth. Also the earth must change as the growth of a flower, when growing long roots of the soil for their food becomes scarce, so you need to replant the flower pot large volumes, respectively, and with a large amount of land.
For plants of small size it is not recommended to use large pots, they inhibit the growth and development of plants.

How to replace the soil in the pots of houseplants?

When replacing the soil, the earth, captured by the roots of plants, remains unchanged. Main land com must remain in place. First you need to carefully extract the flower from the pot together with all the land, then careful movements to separate the areas that are not captured by the roots of the earth, like soft otrashivayem movements. To fertilize new land added to it worn in charcoal powder. It has a great healing property is an obstacle to suppuration. And coal is able to absorb excess moisture from the soil and give it, when the earth will become barren. Thanks to coal the earth has porosity, it helps the plant roots to breathe.

Prepared new land is filled to the bottom of the pot, then there would be a flower with its own clod of earth and the remaining area backfilled with soil.