You will need
  • - grass yarrow;
  • grass mistletoe;
  • grass cistozira;
  • - black radish;
  • - med;
  • - lemon;
  • - garlic;
  • - propolis;
  • - medical alcohol 90%;
  • - vodka.
To prepare the cleansing of cerebral vessels from cholesterol plaques take 1 part herb yarrow and mistletoe, three parts cistozira. Chopped components, mix and brew a tablespoon of prepared collection Cup boiling water in a thermos. Insisting for 2 hours, filter, and adding a teaspoon of honey, divide it into 3 portions, which consume on an empty stomach during the day. The course of treatment – 3 weeks.
For the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, prepare the following tool. Wash 2 root black radish, medium size grate on a fine grater peel from the skin. Then press through double-layered cheesecloth, you get about 120 ml of juice, add equal amount of honey and the juice of one lemon of medium size. Mix composition and put it on a day in the refrigerator. Soaked in the composition prepared with a linen cloth, apply it on the neck, grasping and forearm. The top cover of the compression of paper and woolen cloth. Holding a compress for at least 2 hours. If the skin is heavily burned, lightly grease it with vegetable oil. After removing the compress, the skin do not soak, RUB lightly with a dry cloth. Wash can only be in the morning. The course of treatment for at least 12-14 daily procedures.
To reduce the ringing in the ears get, effective for the treatment of hypertension. Grind 200 grams, washed and peeled garlic, a Bay half a liter of vodka, put for three weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally. Upon expiration of the infusion, filter.
At the same time prepare and propolis tincture. For its production, add 100 ml of 90% alcohol medical 20 grams of shredded (pre-cooled) propolis. Insisting 3 weeks in a dark place, filter.
Take the filtrates garlic and propolis, pour them into one container that close tightly and store in the refrigerator. Take 15 ml diluted in 50 ml of milk fat content of not more than 2.5%, three times a day for half an hour before meals. In the course of treatment – one portion. After three months repeat the treatment.