Features tomato "budenovka"

This tomato is focused on farming on a fertile soil in the open ground. Even in bad years the sort of tomatoes "budenovka" never ceases to please with a good harvest. After sowing seeds in three months can already try this delicious berry. The bushes grow to a height of one meter, except that the stem is weak, it cannot withstand the weight of fruit. Because of this, the tomatoes tied up.

The taste of this variety is sweet and sour, it includes many natural antioxidant lycopene, vitamin K, PP, b, C, And E. Tomatoes are perfect for salads, sauces and for canning.

Features of cultivation of tomato "budenovka"

In the Northern regions of this heat-loving variety is grown seedlings. In the southern regions the seeds are usually sown directly into the garden bed. This variety seedlings sown in mid-March, open ground - not before mid-April. This tomato feels good in the place where previously grown peppers, eggplant, potatoes. The site is better to choose solar.

The potential of this variety of tomato is 25 kilo per plant, so harvest gardeners are usually happy.