Of course, there are people who don't like milk and derivative products. But still the majority of people consider dairy as a necessary part of the diet. Given the fact that nutritionists and doctors recommend not to eat before bed, but not on an empty stomach to fill is quite difficult, namely dairy products (not too high in calories, but nutritious) can solve this problem.

Is it good to drink milk?

Milk is actually the first product that takes the human body after birth. It contains many vitamins and minerals, in particular, necessary for bones calcium has a low calorie, nice taste. Warm milk with a little honey is an excellent remedy for sore throat, and as a preventive tool, it works fine.

But there is a drawback – the milk is very poorly absorbed by the body for adults not more than thirty percent of the quantity accepted, and how many you can drink the whole thing at once?. So, milk is rather hard to digest, which can lead to heaviness in the stomach and other unpleasant sensations, usually prevent healthy sleep. So you need to drink milk at least for a couple of hours before bedtime, if you like its taste, or your point of view positive sides overlap the negative.
Israeli scientists believe that regular intake of warm milk helps to fight obesity.

Why is it useful to drink yogurt at night?

Kefir is a fermented milk product, which means that it has some special bacteria similar to those that live in the microflora of the human stomach.

Kefir is produced by artificial means, the special beneficial bacteria added to it especially, after which the drink is sent for sale. Kefir cleanses the human body, promotes digestion, prevents the dysbiosis and other unpleasant phenomena. It is not necessary to drink kefir in too large quantities. If you're on a diet, choose yogurt one percent fat, more fat yogurt suitable for use in a pure form, and for baking.
There are almost completely fat-free types of yogurt that are well-suited for consumption during the diet. But to their taste need to get settled first.

If there are no any special problems or allergic reactions to this drink, it is digested easier and faster than milk, so it can be drink directly before you go to bed.