Interesting question about men

In the mind of some women, sometimes the question arises: what is the average penis size among men in different countries and different nationalities?

If you take the CIS countries, in the process of interviews revealed a curious fact that the size of manhood depends on nutrition and the place of residence of the man. To move farther away to the West and North, the more increases in average penile length. Of the inhabitants of the CIS countries except for Georgian men. They have sex on average more than all other men who live in the countries being former USSR.
The average size of the dignity of men living in the CIS, is 14.5-15 cm.

And if you take the different States in the world? In Korea the average penis size is 9.6 cm, and Colombia 13.9 cm, Chile – 14 cm, Saudi Arabia 12.4 cm, India 10.2 cm, Greece – 12,18 cm, in Mexico is 14.9 cm, and Venezuela 12.7 cm, Italy 15 cm, Brazil 12.4 cm, Japan, 13 cm, France 16 cm, Spain – 13,58 cm in Germany – 14,48 cm, in USA – 12,9 cm

If we take the average of study of the merits of men around the world, it turns out this division: micro penis up to 12 cm, a small penis is 12-15 cm, the average penis is 15-17 cm, a large penis is 17-20 cm, extremely large penis – 20 cm
The biggest officially registered penis was in length of 33.5 cm, and the smallest 7 inches.

The ratio of men and women to the penis size

Men often wonder what the size of the penis can be considered average for some items compared penises, what size is needed when the sexual act and how you can increase the size. Why men are interested in these questions? The stronger sex was accustomed themselves to evaluate, from an objective point of view, but from the standpoint of comparing yourself with other men. In the end, a man trying to find confirmation of the fact that this celebration of life it did not last.

What do you think about this woman? In most cases they do not pay attention to the size of the penis. More important for them to be close to them was a man who loved them, cared for them, was a strong, beautiful, able to financially provide for children, and generally be a good husband and father. And when you have sex the length of the penis plays virtually no role, if he's not the biggest or the smallest. Main in bed for men is the ability to arouse a woman and to act correctly as a whole, not the size of the penis.