Diagnostic testing

In the duties of the teacher-psychologist of the kindergarten is part of the diagnostics. It is held at least twice per academic year – at the beginning and at the end. This allows you to track the dynamics of development of each child.
If necessary diagnosis can be conducted in the middle of the school year. It is carried out, for example, for children with learning difficulties.

When diagnosing psychologist uses methods of study such mental processes as memory, perception, attention, thinking, etc. Comparison of results with standards development of preschool children helps to give a General picture of the development of children.

Psychological-medical-pedagogical consultation

Psychologist is on the Board of experts of the kindergarten – pmpk. The Commission conducts further work with children lagging in development. These children are identified by results of diagnostic tests.

The function of the psychologist to determine psychological maturity preschoolers. He had to write the conclusion and recommendations for teachers and parents. This is the pre-medical monitoring of children.

Family counseling

One of the duties of the psychologist in preschool institution is the counseling of parents of preschoolers. When he issues invites conversation father, mother, or the adult who is the guardian of the child.
Educational psychologist advises not only parents of children who attend the kindergarten, but parents and disorganized children.

In the consultation process the task of the specialist is to show the solutions to the problems encountered in a child in learning or behavior. In addition, he should explain to parents that only joint actions of the kindergarten and the family will give a positive result.

When interacting with families of the pupils educational psychologist improving pedagogical literacy of parents. This favorable impact on relationships between family members of an individual child.

Help educators

In addition to the children and their parents, the teacher-psychologist working with the teaching staff of the kindergarten. At such events, as a pedagogical Council, meeting, workshop and others, he talks about effective methods and techniques that will provide the best way to work with students.

Employees of preschool institutions can apply to the teacher-psychologist is not only working issues but also on personal matters. So specialist maintains a favorable climate in the team of the kindergarten.