If before problems with ovulation occurred in women before the menopause, the lack of it can suffer at the age of 25 years.The reasons for single-phase cycle, when is not Mature full oocyte may be different. According to experts, the deterioration of the quality of food, the increasing introduction of synthetic products, harmful substances in the diet plays a role. Decreased air quality, in which there are many harmful gases and is not fully understood the impact of radiation from mobile phones and household appliances. In any case, these factors reduce the immune system that causes frequent disease women viral infections turning into a complication. Often have to take medication, side effects which lead to hormonal issues and lack of ovulation. Of all the means of causing ovulation, we can distinguish 2 groups: medical and folk.
Pharmacy tools
Among drugs for ovulation best are "Clostilbegyt", "Ovarium compositum and Hormel". "Clostilbegyt" is considered a serious hormonal drug and should be taken only as directed by your doctor. It stimulates maturation of the follicle. Before taking usually doing ultrasound of the ovaries to prevent the formation of cysts. Self-administration "Clostilbegyt" fraught with serious violations.
"Ovarium compositum and Hormel" is homeopathy. "Ovarium" is available in vials and "Hormel" in the form of drops. These drugs, with proper technique, should not be side effects, but the improvement does not occur immediately, for the result required long-term treatment (2-3 months). The course of treatment must appoint a physician, to make these tools is also desirable.
Popular recipes
For reviews of women, many people, especially someone who is under 30, and women at an early stage of the disease, well help folk remedies, particularly herbs. Herbalists recommend drinking rate infusions Borovoy of the uterus and sage. Sage is drunk in the first phase of the cycle for oocyte maturation and endometrial growth, and the grass upland uterus helps to balance female hormones in the body, drink it the whole cycle.
Upland uterus is part of many nutritional Supplements that are indicated for the treatment of inflammatory and hormonal gynaecological diseases.Many women noted the recovery cycle and ovulation in a month after taking these infusions.
Because even herbs can have side effects, the decision of which drug will suit you must accept the treating physician, based on the tests.