Decide what type of head-mannequin you want to purchase: men, women or children, with or without hair, with beard and moustache; to practice skills of braiding need a mannequin with long or medium length hair.
Decide which hair color should be your dummy. In selling, there are blondes and brunettes and brown-haired women in various shades. It all depends, first, on your personal preferences, and secondly – from what you want to learn. If learning is more suitable haircuts dark hair color, then it is better to weave braids blond hair – they are much easier to see all the details and nuances of weaving.
Choose a suitable hair length of your dummy. Female mannequins usually there are three lengths: 30-40 cm (M), 45-50 cm (L), 50-60 cm (XL). If you are a novice hairdresser, then stop your choice on the head with medium length hair (L) is optimal for the start of training, but to improve the skills of completene will fit a mannequin with long hair (XL). Note that the length of the hair, as well as the density affect the value of the dummy.
The most important thing when buying a dummy to choose a quality hair composition:
- 100% natural,
- artificial (synthetic, they are the same protein),
- mixed (in the ratio of 50-50%, 85х15%, etc.)
The main advantage of the dummies of protein hair is their price – they cost almost twice cheaper than natural. Synthetic hair are more suitable for testing all kinds of haircuts, but to do installation and to weave braids for a long time will not work: they quickly fall down, turning into "sponge", which is impossible to comb. In addition, they are not amenable to the laying of hot tongs or irons, and at temperatures above 180 degrees can generally melt and stick together.
All these problems do not threaten you, if you decide to purchase flat back mannequin head with natural hair. They can do everything: cut, dye, curl and style, braid braids and make complicated styling with a bouffant.
To determine which of the hair of a mannequin, is a natural or artificial must be considered carefully, preferably through a magnifying glass. Synthetic hair new dummy was smooth and shiny, "hair to hair", have the same thickness and color. But natural hair has a heterogeneous structure and color, which become visible under close inspection. You can also ask the seller to wind the strand of hair mannequin hot tongs, if he refuses, then you are most likely a mannequin with fake hair.
- 100% natural,
- artificial (synthetic, they are the same protein),
- mixed (in the ratio of 50-50%, 85х15%, etc.)
The main advantage of the dummies of protein hair is their price – they cost almost twice cheaper than natural. Synthetic hair are more suitable for testing all kinds of haircuts, but to do installation and to weave braids for a long time will not work: they quickly fall down, turning into "sponge", which is impossible to comb. In addition, they are not amenable to the laying of hot tongs or irons, and at temperatures above 180 degrees can generally melt and stick together.
All these problems do not threaten you, if you decide to purchase flat back mannequin head with natural hair. They can do everything: cut, dye, curl and style, braid braids and make complicated styling with a bouffant.
To determine which of the hair of a mannequin, is a natural or artificial must be considered carefully, preferably through a magnifying glass. Synthetic hair new dummy was smooth and shiny, "hair to hair", have the same thickness and color. But natural hair has a heterogeneous structure and color, which become visible under close inspection. You can also ask the seller to wind the strand of hair mannequin hot tongs, if he refuses, then you are most likely a mannequin with fake hair.