Pregnancy in menopause

Medicine known cases of pregnancy after 45 years, which is often were unintended and ended in abortion. Tissue women at this age lose their elasticity, causing the cervix to expand and it is difficult to perform a quality aborting, which would not entail serious complications.

Consequences of late abortions are inflammation of genitals, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, and the development of cancer.

After the cessation of menstruation the ovaries women retain the oocytes for another three to five years, so prevention during menopause – is necessary. Ready to fertilize the egg increases the possibility of pregnancy, and menstruation can temporarily renewed even after a year after their termination. However, women are often confused with the monthly bleeding, which can be a symptom of serious diseases. To avoid this, after 40 years, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least twice a year.

Possible contraception during menopause

For protection during menopause suitable oral contraceptives or intrauterine devices, which can be prescribed only by a doctor. Of oral preparations, it is desirable to give preference to contraceptives with progestins that do not affect blood clotting, liver function and fat metabolism.

Prevention of cancer of the uterus and ovaries gynecologists recommend the use of progestin drugs with a low dosage, with a long action.

During menopause modern women actively use barrier contraception, or spermicides that have a contraceptive, antimicrobial and moisturizing effect. Such tools help to eliminate vaginal dryness that appear during menopause. Also spermicides can serve as addition to traditional contraceptives, like condoms, pills or IUDs.

Remember that gynecologists do not recommend to take emergency contraception type "Postinora" which contains a loading dose of hormones negatively affect the body. The means of protection during menopause you need to choose a gynecologist in the choice of contraception take into account all of disease and changes in the female reproductive system.