A man can file for child support, regardless stay in the marriage, if he is raising a child alone. If the child is disabled, which requires expensive treatment, according to the Family code of the Russian Federation (article 86), his father may apply to court to recover additional funds. The amount and order of payment determines the decision of the court, having regard to the provisions of the parties (financial and family). The amount of the monthly payment is calculated in accordance with the Family code of the Russian Federation (article 81): monthly payments equity ratio for one child - 25%, 33% - in two (16.5% each) and 50% for three or more. The amount of alimony may be reviewed by the court and changed both in smaller and in a big way, given the financial situation or other circumstances.

If man lost the ability to work temporarily or permanently, he is also entitled to alimony. Recognized disability people who have reached retirement age (men 60 years and women - 55 years), and persons having or which received one of the three disability groups. Moreover, the time of the onset of disability is irrelevant. A fundamental condition for the court's positive decision on collecting of the alimony in favor of the plaintiff is a material possibility. Calculation of payments shall be established by the Family code of the Russian Federation, taken into account all the types of earnings and other proof of income of the Respondent. Raised to the payment of child support can even be disabled spouse, if he has income exceeding the subsistence minimum.

The court may release the defendant from collecting from it the alimony in favour of the disabled spouse in the marriage or after its dissolution if the incapacity of a spouse occurred as a consequence of the abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances, and if the plaintiff committed any intentional crime. Another criterion may be the short duration of the marriage or antisocial behavior of the plaintiff in the family. Subject to the annulment of marriage, alimony former wife was not entitled to.

Ways of collecting of the alimony are divided into a voluntary agreement and exacted by a court decision. Unregistered notarial chamber agreement no obligation. The disabled man also has the ability to file for alimony with under-age child.

In order to file for child support, the man needs to go to court with a claim. To this statement the following documents or their copies: passport, marriage certificate and divorce certificate, child's birth, the receipt on state duty payment. If a child is disabled to the statement of claim must be accompanied by the relevant certificate about state of health.