You can determine whether a young person to you feelings after watching how he conducts his correspondence. In no case do not depend on how many emoticons he uses when speaking. If he often sends other people's poems or quotes, one can hardly say that he feels anything serious towards you. Carefully read your correspondence over the last 6-7 days and notice the guy and his actions.
It seems that men when dealing with them popular with girls most often say compliments, but it's far from the truth. Try to compare his style of communication, which he showed immediately after your acquaintance with the way he communicates now. If you see that when talking to you he tries to behave correctly is a good sign. But indifferent phrases in the style of "suit yourself", "as you wish" and "I still" - say that you guy, alas, not very interesting.
If he compares you with your friends, with this comparison in your favor, his intentions are very serious. During correspondence it may chance to conduct this comparison, for example to tell about a friend who got in a difficult situation, and then say the phrase in the style of "you would have done differently" or "I'm sure you would have coped with this problem better than her". So the guy says to you: "I want you with me". He can go ahead, saying that miss communication with you. There is another positive sign is that reasoning about the imperfection of the current girls, which are accompanied by assertions that you are completely different from them.
If you kid is really a valuable source, it will offer you the friendship of several social networks and exchange more information. Learning about what you love to cook, he sends you the fancy recipes? Well, it means that you are on the same wavelength, and your relationship has a future. Try to look in the correspondence interesting and self-sufficient person, and if your knowledge, tastes and views will be an interesting interlocutor, he will make the first step, which you so crave.