Treatment of joints by herbal infusions or ointments of lilacs
In diseases of the musculoskeletal system is most often used ointment from the buds of lilacs. To prepare the flowers dried and ground to the consistency of flour. This fragrant flour blended with equal amount of butter and put in the fridge for 10 days. The ointment is applied to affected area, bandage and leave overnight.
Ointment for diseases of the joints will be more effective if it is combined with the ingestion of infusion of lilac. To cook 2 tablespoons fresh or dried lilac flowers pour boiling water, 200 g. Insist 1-2 hours, then strain and take 50 g of infusion 3-4 times a day.
The expectorant properties of lilac
In the treatment of dry cough with colds or bronchitis infusions of lilac help to facilitate sputum discharge. The infusion is made from 1 tablespoon of flowers and leaves and 250 g of boiling water. Accepted infusion 2-3 tablespoons 4 times a day.
Lilac refers to poisonous plants. When using it as a medicine it is important to observe the dosage, avoiding toxicity to the body
Leaves of lilac with migraines and varicose veins
When starting a migraine fresh leaves of lilac cool in the refrigerator and secured on the forehead with a bandage. Such procedure is carried out several times during the day.
Varicose veins the legs steamed in a warm bath and wrapped with leaves of lilac. For treatment you can use small chips of the young shoots or a saturated decoction of the leaves.
Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of lilac
These properties of lilac are used in folk medicine in the treatment of trophic ulcers, minor wounds, inflammation of the throat. Ulcers or wounds fresh leaves or flowers are crushed to mushy state and apply to the affected places. For the treatment of inflammatory process in the throat use gargle infusions.
The smell of lilacs is successfully used in aromatherapy to improve emotional state and mood. The scent of white lilac increases sexual desire.
Lilac in cosmetics
The flowers of the common lilac have to skin cleansing and anti-inflammatory effect. Masks of fresh flowers reduce the oiliness and help with enlarged pores. The infusion of white lilac add in the preparation of masks from clay or used as a lotion after cosmetic procedures.