You will need
  • - metro;
  • bus;
  • - taxi;
  • car.
Use the services of the Moscow metro. This is the fastest and most convenient way to get to Strogino. For this you need on the Arbatsko-Pokrovskaya metro line to station Strogino and out of town. You are on the site.
Go to ground public transport. Buses and taxis to Strogino go from Moscow metro station "Voykovskaya", "Youth", "Tushinskaya", "Shukinskaya", "Volokolamskaya", "Mitino", "Pyatnitskoe shosse", "Krylatskoe".

From the metro station "Voykovskaya" to the Strogino district can be reached by tram №№15, 30.
From the metro station "Youth" - a bus or route taxi №626.
From the metro station "Tushinskaya" by bus №№631, 640, or fixed-route taxi №631.
From the metro station "Shukinskaya" - bus №№687, 277, 640, 137, 743, by route taxi №№277, 137, 357, or by tram №№10, 30.
From the metro station Volokolamskaya, Mitino, Pyatnitskoye shosse - bus 736.
From metro station "Krylatskoe" - by route taxi №357.

Ground transportation to the area Strogino, you can drive to and from the train stations Riga: "Leningrad", "Knit", "Tushino" and "Pavshino".

From the train/railway platform "Leningrad" to Strogino you get on the tram no. 30.
From the train/railway platform "Knit" - by bus №№631, 640.
From the train/railway station "Tushino" - bus№631, 640.
From the train/railway station "Pavshino" - by route taxi №858.
To Strogino you can reach by car in one of the following routes: drive on Khoroshevskiy, Zvenigorod, Stroginsky highway or to go to the ring road and at 65 km turn at the sign "Strogino". Journey time will depend on traffic. On average, from the center of Moscow district Strogino without traffic jams it takes about 30-40 minutes.